Chapter Seven: Kanan Accepts Ezra Into His Family

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Back on top of the bridge, Ezra had finally unlocked the cuffs on the Wookie boy. Unfortunately, it is only then that he notices that Agent Kallus is right behind them, holding a blaster that is aimed at the both of them! Ezra tossed the handcuffs away, before putting a protective hand over the Wookie child!

Agent Kallus: It's over for you, Jedi! A Master and an Apprentice, such a rare pair to find these days!

Ezra was already reaching for his lightsaber, before furiously activating it again!

Ezra: I don't know where you get your delusions from, Buckethead! I work alone!

Kanan: Not this time, you do!

Ezra turns to see that Kanan was standing on top of the flying ship, trying to rescue him again! The boy realized that meant that he and his foster siblings weren't the only Jedi left! Kallus shot two lazer blasts from his blaster at Kanan, but he deflected both of them back at Kallus, causing him to lose his balance and fall over the bridge! Kanan knew that they needed to go right now, before calling out to the kid!

Kanan: Jump, kid!

The kid and Kitwarr didn't need a second invite and quickly jumped onto the ship, before landing inside the Ghost with Kanan! Relieved, the Jedi smiles before calling out to Hera!

Kanan: Got them! Hera, get us out of here!

Hera smiled, her thoughts exactly!

Hera: Everyone, hang on!

As the Ghost leaves Kessel, the injured Stormtrooper and Kallus watch as the Rebels leave! The Trooper was impressed by Ezra's and Kanan's teamwork!

Stormtrooper: That was impressive!

Kallus vowed that he would capture Ezra, making sure that the son of Skywalker would not become a Jedi Knight like his Father!

Kallus: You'll never get away with this! You have no idea what I'm capable of!

Back on the Ghost, Kanan puts his lightsaber back around his belt, before he helps an exhausted Ezra to his feet!

Kanan: Are you okay?

Ezra: (Groans) Yeah, I'll be fine!

In the main room, Kitwarr saw his Father and rushed towards him for a hug. Both Sabine and Hera smiled as Zeb realized that Ezra had saved a Family! Kanan looked over and placed a hand on the kid's left shoulder, beaming with pride! He had to admit, their new friend did a pretty good job! Ezra looked over at Kanan smiled it had been so long since someone had been so proud of him! Soon, they reached Lothal later that day at sunset, it was time for the Wookies to go back to their homeworld! Wullffwarro gave some money credits to Hera as thank you and then said something to her in Wookie language as Sabine translated for her!

Sabine: He says that if we ever need their help, the Wookies will be there!

Wullffwarro placed his paw on Ezra's head as his thank you and gives his hair a little ruffle, causing Ezra to giggle happily for the first time in 7 Years. Kitwarr gives Ezra one final hug before leaving with his family!

Ezra: Good luck Kitwarr, try to stay out of trouble!

Zeb snickered at that joke, which was funny coming from him!

Zeb: Look who's talking! 

Sabine: And where have you been?

Zeb smiled, he had something to show Ezra if he still really wanted to stay with him and the Crew!

Zeb: Hey, kid. Come with me. Cover your eyes! (Chuckles)

As Zeb leads the kid to his room, Sabine follows them! Hera and Kanan shrugged at each other, confused about what he is up to now! Zeb stops at the door to his room, before telling Ezra that he can open his eyes now!

Zeb: Okay... Open 'em! (Chuckles) Check it out! It's your own room.

Ezra's eyes opened up, seeing that Sabine had a change of clothes on the top bunk! Ezra is happy and shocked at the same time, not having a real bed of his own for a while!

Zeb: Well, what do you think? I thought this place could feel more like a home!

Ezra smiles with tears of joy in his eyes before he leaps into Zeb for a hug, surprising him!

Ezra: It's perfect! Thank you, Zeb!

Shocked at the hug, Zeb smiles returning the hug before the kid stepped back from the embrace!

Zeb: (Chuckles) Oh, uh, it was nothing!

Ezra smiles, wanting to speak with Kanan and Sabine alone for a while!

Ezra: Hera, can I get a moment with Kanan and Sabine alone, please?

Understanding his decision, Hera, Chopper, and Zeb all left them alone. The three of them went to the cargo bay, as both Sabine and Kanan were confused by what Ezra wanted to talk about!

Kanan: What was that about?

Sabine: I have no idea!

After reaching the cargo bay, Ezra finally spoke up!

Ezra: You're a Jedi too, aren't you?

Kanan figures that Ezra would be asking him that, even though he only just met the kid today! He looked at the lightsaber, seeing that Ezra is actually one as well!

Sabine: Wait... So, you're actually a Jedi?

Ezra: I was training to be one... But I left!

Kanan and Sabine were confused, why would any force youngling during the Clone Wars or the Rebellion against the Empire walk away from being a Jedi?

Kanan: You can do that?!

Sabine: I don't understand... Why would anyone walk away from being a Jedi?

Ezra hands Kanan his lightsaber, before deciding to tell them why he left Lothal this morning!

Ezra: It's complicated but, you both deserve the truth... My real name is Ezra Skywalker! My real mother and father were secretly married when the Clone Wars first started... But by the time the former Jedi Count Dooku, was killed when the Clone War was almost over... My mother told my father that she was pregnant... The youngest baby was me! They were going to have me and my twin siblings back home on her home planet of Naboo, where we would be safe after the war was over! But after Empire rose to power, my mother gave birth to me, my twin brother, and my  twin sister before he died of a broken heart, and I never even knew what happened to my father! Master Kenobi gave me to my foster parents: Ephraim and Mira Bridger, and their children... Eldra and Kaitis Bridger!

Sensing that he doesn't want to go any further, Kanan placed a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder. Ezra smiled, glad he could trust somebody who didn't think that he would mess things up as a Jedi!

Kanan: To tell you the truth, kid, I guess I've got a lot to learn too. If this is where you want to be, then this is where you'll stay...

Ezra smiled as Kanan handed his lightsaber back, knowing that he wants Ezra as a Padawan now! Meanwhile, on an Imperial Star Destroyer Agent Kallus reported the existence of Ezra and Kanan being Jedi to the Grand Inquisitor!

Agent Kallus: Excuse the intrusion, Inquisitor. But in the course of my duties, I have encountered a rebel cell. The leader of that cell made good use of a lightsaber. And they have a new Crew member... Who happens to be a Force youngling, and is Anakin Skywalker's youngest son!

The Grand Inquisitor smiled, this makes the hunt so much easier!

Grand Inquisitor: Agent Kallus. You did well to call...

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