Chapter Fifty-Six: A plan to regroup/A long awaited meeting for the future...

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When Ezra finally came to, he heard Chopper helping the Minister out of the wrecked piece of their Shuttle!

Minister Tua: Oh! Thank you! Thank you, Droid... That's quite enough!

Minister Tua pulls Ezra out of the rumble, before asking if the young boy who saved her is alright!

Minister Tua: You alright, Ezra?

Ezra: (Sighs) Yeah, I'll live... (Groans)

Ezra sees that Chopper is rolling over to him, before checking to see if the little droid was unharmed!

Ezra: Hey, Chopper, you okay? 

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Chopper beeped in his Droid language, confirming that he was alright before he asks if the Padawan was okay as well!

Ezra: It's okay, buddy... I'm fine, just a few scars...

After he dusts the sand off his shoulder, Minister Tua is confused! Why does the kid care about how that old Droid is doing?

Minister Tua: Why do you care about how that thing's doing?  To Kallus, he's just a beat-up old droid from the Clone Wars!

Ezra frowned, maybe to her former friend but certainly not to him or his Crew!

Ezra: Not to me and my Crew... Chopper is more than just an old Droid from the Clone Wars! He's a Rebel, a friend, and more importantly, he's family!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Chopper beeped in agreement, before seeing a bunch of Stormtroopers pass by! Ezra saw as well before the three of them take cover!

Agent Kallus: A beloved citizen of Lothal, Minister Tua's work was cut short by the brainwashing of these criminal band of rebels! If you see them, summon Imperial authorities immediately! Trooper corps have been mobilized in an extensive sea...

Ezra frowns, remembering the night before his 10th Birthday...

Young Eldra: They did this to turn Lothal against us... We can't do any more here... We have to leave, for good!

Young Kaitis: We can't just run... The people have to know the truth!

Young Eldra: I don't think the Empire is giving us much choice!

Young Ezra: I guess there is no going home...

Ezra's attention is turned away from his painful memory and the transmission by a young human girl named Kata Akuna, who was standing a strange woman, while they were getting supplies!

Kata: You can go... Please...

Seeing that Kata wasn't going to turn him or his friends in, Ezra nods, knowing that now might be good to find a way off this planet, before Kaitis shows up again!

Ezra: Maybe we should find a way to get off Lothal before Kaitis shows up!

Tua smiled, she couldn't agree more with Ezra and Chopper right now!

Minister Tua: Way ahead of you, kid! Come on, Chopper!

While the three of them left, the Troopers thought that they had heard something!

Stormtrooper 1: What was that?

Stormtrooper 2: Ah, it's nothing... Outgassing, don't worry about it!

As the Troopers left as well, the strange woman placed a comforting hand on Kata's shoulder, confused why the young girl helped Ezra out!

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