Chapter Thirty-Seven: Eldra's Guilt/Kanan's Vision of losing Ezra!

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On Fulcrum's ship, she was giving Eldra a Lecture about how she not only used her transmission code signal to contact Ezra without her permission but also how she ordered Ezra to give up on Kanan, saying that he's just a soldier to her!

Fulcrum: What did you expect? Other than Empire Day, you never came to visit him!

Eldra: I don't need a Lecture, Fulcrum... I didn't give up, he did!

Fulcrum: Maybe Sabine was wrong taking Ezra from you...

Eldra: No, she was right! I couldn't keep his parents safe. How was I supposed to keep him safe?

Fulcrum: What happened to Anakin and Padme was an accident. You said yourself he'd done that stance a hundred times before with his eyes closed!

Eldra: Ugh... But she's so reckless!

Fulcrum rolled her eyes, knowing that he gets it from Anakin and Padme!

Fulcrum: Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Eldra: (Sighs) He's just not safe here... He was doing so well with you; I didn't want to complicate things!

Fulcrum: Sometimes you have to take a risk, Eldra...

Eldra: I did that already, and that didn't work out!

Fulcrum: Eldra... I've done everything I can for Ezra! What he needs more than anything right now is his Master and his Adoptive sister, he needs both of you!

Eldra sighs, she knows that her old friend is right...

Eldra: I couldn't bear it if anything happened to him... (Sighs) Fulcrum, I don't know what I'm doing! I wish Ezra would answer me right now, I feel horrible about last night!

Fulcrum smiled, knowing that Ezra will found out where Kanan is!

Fulcrum: We'll sort things out with Ezra as soon as he has a lead on where the Empire is keeping Kanan captive!

Eldra nods, deciding that she'll apologize to Ezra as soon as he finds a lead on where Kanan is! Meanwhile, aboard Tarkin's Star Destroyer, Crosshair, Kaitis, and the Grand Inquisitor were heading for Kanan's Cell! 

Grand Inquisitor: Still going on?

Kaitis: Yes... Don't worry, they'll come to us... They don't leave their own behind, most of the time!

Crosshair frowned, knowing that Kanan and the kid didn't have much of a choice!

Crosshair: You tried to kill them, they didn't have a choice!

Kaitis glared at him, and like he had done with Kanan when he was little and with his own squad he did have a choice?

Kaitis: Hmm... And like you, I did?

Crosshair glares at him, as the three of them continue walking down the hall to Kanan's Cell... He hoped that the kid that he, Echo, and Omega had saved that night on Lothal will come for Kanan, praying that he won't make the same mistake that Crosshair did, unable to protect Kanan after he lost his Master the way that Hunter did!

Crosshair: Come on kid, hurry up!

Inside Kanan's Cell, the Jedi still refused to say anything! Agent Kallus knew that Kanan would break soon while Tarkin was growing more and more impatient!

Agent Kallus: It's only a matter of time before he breaks!

Governor Tarkin: You have wasted enough of my time!

Just then, Kaitis, Crosshair, and the Grand Inquisitor entered! Does he have to do or explain everything himself?

Kaitis: You are both no doubt unaware that the Jedi are trained to resist mind probes and truth serum, that's why Ezra didn't tell Agent Kallus anything during his own Torture Chamber lesson when Kanan met him!

Kanan winced, remembering when Ezra was Tortured by Kallus, no thanks to Zeb ditching him! 

Governor Tarkin: If he is the Jedi he claims to be, I take it you have a solution?

Grand Inquisitor: Pain... A Jedi still feels pain, and pain can break anyone! May I?

Kaitis sighed, knowing that Kanan's Force shielding was stronger for him to handle when he Tortured Ezra's mind back on Fort Anaxes!

Kaitis: Be my guest!

Grand Inquisitor: Thank you!

Stepping back, Kaitis let his Master do his handy work! The older Jedi Hunter reached out with his hand in front of Kanan's eyes, using the same Force Torture that Kaitis had used on Ezra's mind during their encounter on Empire Day!

Grand Inquisitor: You will tell me where to find your rebel friends...

Kanan soon felt the Grand Inquisitor tearing at his worst fear and memories. The Jedi started to groan in agony as he fought to protect his thoughts when all of a sudden, the Inquisitor shows him a Vision! It was an unfamiliar hallway on a Star Destroyer, Kanan was using Ezra's blaster/lightsaber and Ezra was using his own lightsaber and Ahsoka's spare lightsaber! But the problem was that both he and Ezra were knocked unconscious by the Inquisitor! Suddenly, Ezra struggled to get himself back onto his feet before he reactivated his lightsabers! But the Inquisitor's spinning Red lightsaber is too fast for the young Jedi to deflect and hits Ezra's right cheek! Losing his balance from the blood that came from the lightsaber cut as he fell from the platform, Ezra screamed!

Ezra: AAHH!!!

Kanan: NO!!!

Kanan got up from where he was and watched as Ezra fell, his eyes empty and lifeless before he landed on the lower platform, his hurt cheek was blood-stained! Kanan shut his own eyes as despair, guilt, sadness, and anger filled him as the vision ended... Worried at the thought of losing his Padawan like he lost his Master, Kanan shut his eyes in an attempt to block the terrible memory from his mind!

Kanan: No... Ezra? Not him... Not him!

Kaitis smiled from behind Agent Kallus and Tarkin, seeing that Kanan fears for the boy! While Crosshead looked down at the floor in shame, the Grand Inquisitor continued his Mental attack against the Jedi's mind!

Grand Inquisitor: What do you see?

The pressure on Kanan's mind intensified, the vision of his dead Padawan would not leave him!

Kanan: I... I see...

Grand Inquisitor: Go on...

Forcing the horrible vision out of his head for the sake of Ezra, the Jedi's resolve gave him enough strength to push the Grand Inquisitor out of his mind, before narrowing his opened eyes with a growl!

Kanan: I see... You growing more and more frustrated!

The Jedi Hunter lowered his hand, as the Mental Force attack on Kanan's mind stopped!

Grand Inquisitor: Perceptive...

Kanan sighed with relief as his head dropped back against the metal table, trying to save his energy from the three different types of Torture that the Empire had given him so far! But unfortunately, the Inquisitor waved his hand from the other side of the room, knowing that he isn't done with Torturing him yet!

Grand Inquisitor: Perhaps you can help alleviate my frustration!

Kanan watched nervously and weakly from both sides of his Torture Chamber as the two metal rods on some long mechanical arms that were attached to the metal table. Kanan groaned, glad that Ezra is not here to see this!

Kanan: Oh, this is gonna hurt!

Pretty soon, white-hot electricity sparkled to life, causing Kanan to be electrocuted making him feel like his muscles were on fire! While Kaitis and the ones watched with evilness in their eyes, Crosshair looked away, hoping that Ezra will found out where Kanan is soon before he breaks!

Kanan: (Screaming in Agony!)

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