Chapter Eighty-Five: Stopping Azmorigan.../Hondo steals Ezra's ship!

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By the time they had arrived where Azmorigan was, Ezra was still thinking about Hondo's offer about staying with him and leaving the Ghost forever!

Ezra: I don't know what just happened... Di... Did I just join his crew? No, no, I don't want to leave the Ghost! I... I mean, not really! Maybe I would make a pretty good pirate! Inquisitors don't hunt them, do they? I don't know, it's still complicated!

Ezra remembered that the word complicated reminded him of the talk with Kanan and Sabine when he had first joined them the night that they had first met...

Ezra: You're a Jedi too, aren't you?

Sabine: Wait... So, you're actually a Jedi?

Ezra: I was training to be one... But I left!

Kanan: You can do that?!

Sabine: I don't understand... Why would anyone walk away from being a Jedi?

Ezra: It's complicated...

Ezra was snapped out of his uncertain daze when he was forced down onto his knees by Azmorigan's droids, who was gloating at how great this day was!

Azmorigan: Uh... You... You tried to rob me!

Hondo: (Chuckles) I knew that I liked you for a good reason!

Azmorigan: Oh, I will enjoy this... I get to collect on Ohnaka, I get to kill you and I get to keep the five generators! And it's not even 10 o'clock! Hmm... Not a bad morning! All of them, five crates!

Ezra looked Azmorigan's shoulder seeing only four, knowing that there is a problem!

Ezra: OK, I hate to interrupt such an immature tirade, but shouldn't there be four crates of the power generators?

Azmorigan sees that the kid is before he turns angry back to Hondo, the Pirate was supposed to bring him five crates!

Azmorigan: Wait... There are only four crates here? You were supposed to bring me five!

Hondo: Well, the droid has the fifth crate!

Ezra and Azmorigan turned around, confused at that!

Both: Droid?

They see that Chopper is trying to move the crates back to the Phantom, much to Ezra's relief!

Ezra: Chopper!

Azmorigan: Guess I'll have to sell you for money...

As Chopper moved the crates Azmorigan argued with him, not knowing who else was with him!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Azmorigan: Because he's useless to me! What am I gonna do with a defective Jedi youngling? 

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Angrily)

Just then, two more angry faces answered that for Azmorigan!

Omega: HEY!

Kanan: That's our defective Jedi youngling! 

Everyone turned around to see a upset Omega and a furious Kanan holding her bow and his lightsaber, aiming them at Azmorigan!

Omega: Now stay back! 

Kanan: That droid and kid are with us!

Azmorigan: I would advise you to take your friends and extricate yourselves from the situation!

Omega: No! You're going to hurt him!

Azmorigan: Oh, on the contrary... The Pirate and the Jedi is worth a great deal to our buyer... Alive!

Kanan: You can't smuggle or pretend to hurt living beings!

Azmorigan: For the right price, I can do whatever I want... Now stand down or be destroyed!

Before Kanan answer that with his Parental Instinct kicking in, someone does it for him!

Visago: Not happening...

Kanan steps out of the way, so that Visago could enter the scene!

Kanan: I think you two know each other...

Hondo pretended to be wounded by Ezra's friends freeing Visago!

Hondo: Partner, how could you and your friends let this dangerous criminal out of the brig?

Ezra rolled his eyes, he was getting a little bit tired of Hondo and his antics!

Ezra: Save it, partner! Now let's all relax... Me and my friends take the generators, You two split Azmorigan's credits... Everyone wins!

But Hondo and Azmorigan did not like that deal as much as Visago did!

Azmorigan: That is a fair deal! Hmm... And it disgusts me!

Hondo: For once, I agree!

Azmorigan: Care to hear my counter-offer? Blast him!

Azmorgian activates the droids to blast them to bits, causing everyone to take cover!

Azmorigan: Thank you for stopping by... Now die, you pirate scum!

Omega keeps them busy with her bow, before she tells Kanan to get the generators to onto the Phantom!

Omega: Kanan, you get the rest of the generators onto the Phantom! Chopper will meet up with you later after he helps Ezra!

Kanan does his best to avoid the lazer blasts, worried about her and the others!

Omega: We'll be fine, now go!

Kanan nods before quickly leading the crates away the blaster fight and back to the Phantom, as Ezra and Hondo quickly take cover!

Hondo: Whoa!

Azmorigan: Kill them, and take the Jedi and the crates!

Hondo: Well, this is fun... What's the plan?

Ezra: I don't know... Ask the droid!

As Kanan leaves and exits the ship, Chopper is rushing to get Ezra's lightsabers back! Suddenly, Azmorigan aims at Ezra when Hondo saves him!

Hondo: Ezra, watch out!

Ezra: Hey! Get my blaster! Chopper! Over here!

Chopper tosses Ezra his blaster/lightsaber as well as his spare lightsaber, causing Ezra to free him and Hondo from his handcuffs!

Ezra: Got it!

Once free, Ezra rushes to pick up the box of credits, but Hondo steals it and the last crate that Chopper had just dropped!

Hondo: Excellent work! I will invest your share wisely...

Ezra rolled his eyes, this was not his day!

Ezra: Thanks a lot, partner!

As Hondo leaves, he asked the droids and Azmorgian to keep the Jedi busy!

Hondo: Keep the Jedi occupied!

The Droids and Azmorgian shrugged before aiming their blasters at the kid again! Luckily this time, Ezra was prepared for them this time! Timing it just right, Ezra deflects all the shots at them, deactivating the droids and stunning Azmorgian out cold for now! Omega was impressed, saved by one of Ezra's father and Ahsoka's hard-core training lessons!

Omega: Wow... Actually saved by from a near death experience by one of my Dad's and Ahsoka's hard-core training lessons... 

Ezra: Don't you dare tell her, the last thing I want is for her and Rex to get a big head!

However, the nice moment is ruined by Chopper's worried beeps!

Ezra: Wha... What could have possibly gone wrong now?!

In the Phantom, Hondo is pushing Chopper out and stuns Kanan with a blaster!

Hondo: I'm sorry, very sorry, but I do not work with droids! Goodbye!

He shuts the Phantom door closed, before leaving for Garel! Ezra saw the ship leaving out of sight, knowing that now he has lost the Phantom, the generators, Kanan, and Visago's credits! He was so going to give Hondo a piece of his mind when he saw him next!

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