Chapter Forty-Two: Pain of the Past/Crosshair's Regret...

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On Tarkin's Star Destroyer over Mustafar, Crosshair had just joined Kaitis and his Master inside Kanan's Cell... He saw the Grand Inquisitor was still electrocuting Kanan, who was still refusing to talk or say anything!

Crosshair: Still going on?

Kaitis: Hmm, yes!

Kanan: (Screaming in Pain!)

Grand Inquisitor: Still protecting your precious crew, eh? Hmm, quite admirable! But what I want to know is about the other rebels, code name Fulcrum!

Kaitis: If you just tell us where your so-called student and the others are, I promise your death or turn will be quick and painless! So what's your decision?

Kanan groaned from the pain of all the electrical shocks, giving the same answer! 

Kanan: For the 22nd time Kaitis, I know nothing of a larger rebellion! And even if I did, I'd rather give my life than tell you!

Kaitis knew how to break him, knowing that it was his Master who laid down her life for Kanan's!

Kaitis: So heroic... Just like your master! Tell me, Jedi, how did you survive Order 66? Hmm? It was your Master Billaba who laid down her life for yours! Do you remember her last word to you, her last and final breath before she died, so that you might live?

Crosshair flinched, remembering how because of him he failed to protect Kanan as a kid after his Master was killed...

Wrecker: There you are, little Jedi! You missed all the fun!

Caleb: Watching your team in action was the fun!

Depa Billaba: Care to introduce your new friends, Caleb?

Caleb: Yes, Master! This is Wrecker, Hunter, Echo, Tech, and Crosshair!

Depa: While I'm not sure "fun" is the sentiment I would express, I agree with my Padawan. Your exploits were quite impressive!

Wrecker: Exploits?

Crosshair: Don't overthink it, Wrecker!

Echo: Thank you, General!

Hunter: Hey, kid? You ready for this? We move fast!

Caleb: Good, that's the only way I know!

Wrecker: (Wrecker laughs) I like him!

Hunter: Come on down, kid! We're here to help! No!

Caleb: Liar! (Caleb grunting)

Hunter: Crosshair, stand down! Don't! Take it easy, kid... Easy... I'm on your side...

Caleb: Stay back!

Hunter: Just hear me out...

Caleb: No! You killed her!

Hunter: (Sighs) The others did, I'm just as confused as you are!

Caleb: Stay back... Stay back!

Hunter: I can help you... Come with me...

Crosshair: Where's the Jedi?

Hunter: I stunned him when he jumped... He didn't make it! What?

Crosshair: You're sure that Padawan died when he fell?

Hunter: Sure I'm sure! Why?

Crosshair: Well, usually when someone falls you look down, not across!

Hunter: Well, some of us don't like to watch...

Echo: Kaller wasn't a win...

Crosshair: Hunter let that Jedi kid escape! Or do you want to keep lying to us?

Hunter: I don't like to think of executing our commanders as a mission objective!

Crosshair: An order is an order!

Hunter: Since when?

Echo: None of this makes sense... Those clones served alongside General Billaba for years! How could they turn on her like that?!

Crosshair: Good soldiers follow orders! Every choice you've made since Kaller has been wrong! First the Padawan, then Gerrera... You're becoming a liability!

Hunter: We can debate my choices later... For now, let's focus on getting outta here! Have you lost your mind?

Crosshair: We should've killed that Jedi! You disobeyed orders...

Hunter: I did what I thought was right!

Crosshair: You never could see the bigger picture... Now surrender!

Hunter: Is that an order?

Crosshair: Heh... I guess it is!

Hunter: Well, I guess I'm disobeying that one too!

Kanan felt the memory of his Master's come back to him, remembering when he lost everything that day 15 Years ago like Ezra did as he tried to block it all out...

Kaitis: You do, don't you? You see it in your sleep... You hear her voice when you wake... Tell me, Jedi, what was her last word to you?

Kanan blinked, remembering her last words to her when she was gunned down by the Clones before whispering it!

Depa Billaba: You must run! Run, Caleb! RUN!!!

Kanan: "Run..."

The Grand Inquisitor took over, deciding to spread a little doubt in the Jedi's mind...

Grand Inquisitor: And does your loyal and precious crew know you ran as your master fell, abandoned her and the Jedi Order when they needed you most? What do you think your rebels would do if they knew their leader was a coward? You're even afraid of your own power, you don't have the courage to wear your full saber out in the open!

As the Jedi Hunter held Kanan's lightsaber straight in front of Kanan's terrified eyes, Crosshair rolled his eyes, knowing that Kaitis and his Master is wasting his time!

Crosshair: You're wasting your time, he'll never turn the kid over! Ezra belongs with them!

Kaitis turns around furiously, knowing that he would still have his Master if it wasn't for Anakin and Ezra!

Kaitis: Living among more traitors where he's in constant danger?! (Scoffs) You want to protect Kanan and the kid, then let them go! Stop pretending to be something you're not, Crosshair! Think about it, if Ezra had never been born, you would still be with your own Squad, and both my, Eldra's, and even Kanan's Jedi Master would still be alive! 

Kanan frowned, never once has he blamed Ezra's Birth for what happened to him that night!

Kanan: Hey! First of all, you stay away from him, or so help me, Kaitis... And second of all, how was he supposed to know?! He was only just a baby when it happened! You can't blame the kid for something that was beyond his control!

Kaitis turned away before he grabbed Kanan's lightsaber, knowing that he and Ezra will become one of them or both he and Kanan will die!

Kaitis: Such hatred... You both would have made excellent Inquisitors! I can feel it inside of him!

Crosshair: He's stronger than that!

Kaitis: We shall see... Let me tell you something, Jedi! You're right to be afraid... You couldn't save your master then, and you can't save your followers now! And that's when you should start worrying, Young Caleb!

Kanan gulped in fear at the mention of his real name, worried for Ezra's life as Crosshair prayed that Ezra was on his way here soon!

Crosshair: Come on, kid... Find Kanan! 

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