Chapter Nineteen: Empire Day

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One beautiful morning on Lothal, Kanan had woken up and had started to head out to the fields of Lothal to train with Ezra. But when he got there, Kanan saw that his student was nowhere to be found! Instead, he found a Lothalcat meowing at him in the grass...

Kanan: Oh! Hello, little guy... Wait, do you want me to follow you?

The Lothalcat meowed yes before running off, causing the older man to follow it to a distant graveyard. Kanan could feel sadness from the Lothalcat as he followed it to the graveyard. But when got there he was surprised to find not only a sobbing Ezra there, but also a young girl who was just about Sabine's age, but also had a lightsaber attached to her own belt! Ezra was crying silently while the young girl comforted him by wrapping her arms around the kid, bringing him in for a consoling hug. Kanan and the Lothalcat make their way over to the two kids, knowing that there's deep sadness coming from his Bond with his Student and the girl who's holding him! Suddenly, Ezra notices his Master approaching them causing him to flinch and turn around, attempting to hide his tears from Kanan!

Ezra: Oh... Hey Master, I didn't see you there!

Kanan: You okay, kid? You weren't outside for Training today like you usually are!

The older girl stepped in front of Ezra's defense, about to reach for her lightsaber to protect the kid! However, Ezra pulled out his own, telling the girl to stand down, knowing that Kanan is a friend!

Ezra: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy, he's a friend! This is the Jedi that Fulcrum and I were talking to you about!

Seeing that the kid's telling the truth the girl lowers her lightsaber, realizing who he is now!

Eldra: Oh... You must be Kanan, my old friend from the Jedi Temple! My adoptive little brother has told me so very much about you!

Kanan is confused how this girl knows about him but remembers the older adoptive sister that Ezra had mentioned, realizing that Ezra told Eldra about his new Family that he had now especially him!

The two of them shake each other's hands, happy to see each other after 15 Years apart after losing everything after Order 66!

Kanan: So, what brings you to Lothal and why wasn't Ezra outside for Jedi training again?

Eldra opens her mouth to try and explain Ezra's problem, but the young boy beats her to it!

Ezra: Eldra, wait! I'll tell him... If I'm gonna be a Jedi Knight like my birth Father one day, I have to learn to be honest with my friends and my feelings!

Eldra nods as he allows Kanan to sit down beside her adoptive little brother. Ezra sighs before explaining his problem to his Master!

Ezra: (Sighs) I'm sorry Kanan, I don't mean to wear you out! Today's just not a good day, it's... Never a good day!

Kanan knew that something was up, Ezra never apologizes when he's like this!

Kanan: Today?

Ezra: Empire Day...

But Kanan could also sense that there was something else bothering him!

Kanan: There's something else...

Ezra: (Sighs) Empire Day is not only the day that I was born or the anniversary date of the day that my adoptive parents were taken away from me as a kid... Today's also the anniversary date of the day that Kaitis betrayed both me and Eldra before he left both of us for dead before he joined the Empire!

Kanan watched as his student struggled with his tears, knowing that Ezra is still shaken by what happened between Eldra, him, and Kaitis Five Years ago... Eldra speaks up, revealing her part of the story on the day that Ezra was born...

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