Chapter Thirty-Six: Orders or more like her opinion?/Taking a Risk!

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Later that day on the Ghost, Sabine had left Ezra in her room to calm down while she told Zeb and Hera what had happened with Ezra and Eldra, and they did not take it any better than she did about Kanan and Ezra!

Zeb: (Sighs) I don't get it... His Adoptive parents weren't soldiers like Anakin or Padme, they were just citizens. So why'd they risk it all? 

Sabine: They had hope. That they could do something to make the galaxy a better place for their friend's son!

Zeb: Yeah but why prepare to fight if we're not even going after Kanan?

Sabine turns to Hera, hoping that she can help out a little bit!

Sabine: You think he'll talk, tell 'em what he knows about us?

But Hera isn't worried, she knew that Kanan won't tell them anything even if he did know anything!

Hera: He doesn't know anything of a larger rebellion, Sabine... And even if he did, he'd rather give his own life than tell Kaitis and the others!

Suddenly, the door opens revealing Ezra had gotten up and out of Sabine's room. 

Ezra: Exactly! I didn't even know you or anything about you guys back then, Zeb... And even if I did, I'd rather suffer through the Empire's Torture methods than tell them anything about you guys, especially Kanan!

Hera saw that Ezra was angry and wanted to tell Ezra that none of them wanted to give up Kanan as much as Ezra does, regardless of what Eldra and Fulcrum thinks!

Hera: Ezra, I know you're mad, but...

Ezra: I'm sorry, mad? Try furious!

Hera: Ezra, none of us want to give up on Kanan!

Ezra sighed as Hera placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, knowing that she isright!

Ezra: And you think I do?

Hera: No, I don't. That's why I want you to take this risk to find Vizago so he can give us some intel!

Sabine: And what if he doesn't help?

Hera sighed, knowing that revealing Kanan's secret might convince him otherwise!

Hera: Then Ezra has to prove to him that Kanan's a Jedi, and Ezra has to be the one to do it!

Ezra sighed, for Kanan!

Ezra: Okay...

Suddenly, Ezra sees Chopper making soft Droid noises that were very sad, they knew that Chopper missed his friend too!

Ezra: Hey...

Seeing that Ezra had gotten up and out of bed Chopper was bumping into Ezra's leg trying to get the message across... Ezra took over for Hera trying to calm Chopper down, knowing that they all miss Kanan as much as he does right now!

Ezra: Hey, hey, hey, it's okay... I miss him, too...

Chopper beeped sadly, before Ezra spoke up, knowing that Hera's right!

Ezra: But we have an plan to find him... Wanna help?

Chopper beeped happily, saying that he is in! Zeb however, still thought Ezra was crazy to disobey Eldra's orders!

Zeb: Wait, you're going to find Kanan... You're disobeying Eldra's orders!

Hera and Sabine turned around and folded their arms before glaring playfully but very stern at the Lasat, orders or more like her opinion?

Hera: Were they orders,

Sabine: Or more like her opinion?

Ezra nodded, knowing that the girls are right! If they're gonna save their friend, they don't really have much of a choice!

Ezra: If we're gonna save him, we don't have a choice! You with us or not?

Zeb smiled, knowing that Ezra's right!

Zeb: Yeah, I'm with you!

Sabine: Good, we'll take the Phantom! And yes, if Vizago or anyone else sells us out you'll get to knock them out, probably more than once!

As Sabine and Zeb head towards the Phantom, Ezra turns towards Hera and Chopper, knowing that they have to stay here to deal with Eldra or Fulcrum in case they call!

Ezra: Stay with Chopper on the Ghost in case Fulcrum and Eldra call again, we'll be back as soon as we can!

Hera nods, they can handle things here!

Hera: Me and Chopper will be fine, Ezra! Go!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra nods before rushing up to the ladder that leads to the Phantom! After he gets in, Sabine detached the Phantom from the Ghost before going to search for Vizago!

Zeb: Okay... So, where are we going anyway?

Ezra: Our last resort...

Sabine: We better get going... Vizago isn't much of a believer in the Jedi Tales... We should let Ezra do all the talking, just prove his point correct about who he and Kanan really are!

Ezra smirked, that's what he likes to hear!

Ezra: I like your thinking!

As the Phantom leaves, Hera watches from inside the Ghost... She hoped that Ezra taking the lead could help save Kanan!

Hera: Come on Ezra, find Kanan...

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