Chapter Seventeen: Aftermath

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Later that evening, Sabine, Hera, Zeb, and even Chopper were just as upset about Kaitis's betrayal more than ever now as much as Kanan was. After they returned home to the Ghost, the older Jedi told them about how he was the one who had called the Empire to take Ezra's adoptive parents away from him when he was little and had destroyed their chances of rebuilding the Jedi Order together by calling the Empire out on them, before leaving them both for dead by trapping them under the destroyed wreckage of their shuttle... They were lucky that Echo and Omega, two kind-hearted people that Hera and Kanan both knew personally from a young age were there to save them and pull them out of danger from being crushed by wreckage... Otherwise, both of them could've been killed or even worse! And now this... He had officially joined the Grand Inquisitor, falling to the Dark Side completely, betraying both Ezra and Eldra for the third time!

Zeb: Oh, I can't believe that he just betrayed the kid Eldra like that! And three times no less!

Hera: Oh-whoa-oh! If only I had my own lightsaber right now, I would give him a piece of my mind!

Sabine agrees with him, even for a Sith that was pretty low!

Sabine: Me too!

Kanan was a bit shocked that Sabine was defending Ezra, even though he didn't like talking about her own experience with the Empire!

Kanan: Wait, you're on Ezra's side?

Sabine: Of course, a true Warrior never betrays a true Jedi, especially someone as loyal as Ezra is! That's always been Kaitis's biggest problem from what my Father told me... He's a good warrior, but according to my Mother, he doesn't know the first thing about being a good Jedi like Ezra and Eldra do!

Ezra smiles, but frowns a little bit, knowing how true that is... Kanan however, refuses to let Kaitis hurt or break Ezra anymore than he already has!

Kanan: Well, I won't let anyone touch him!

Ezra frowns, he thought the same thing once, remembering when he said he wouldn't let anyone hurt him or Eldra when the three of them were little...

Eldra: Ezra, what's going to happen?

Ezra: It's okay, it's okay...

Ezra: Funny... When I was a little kid, I thought the same thing once...

Ezra walks off to be alone for a while, while Hera and Chopper turned in for the night. Zeb notices that the girl who's like a sister to him is a little bit sad, before placing a comforting paw on her shoulder!

Zeb: Everything okay?

Sabine looks at Zeb, before releasing her concern for how Ezra is feeling...

Sabine: Ezra thinks that Kaitis is lying about his Father being dead, knows that he's alive, and where he really is... And I think that after today, he might be right...

As the two of them leave, Kanan's eyes grow worried for his student before going to talk to him! Outside on the loading ramp, Ezra sat down, staring off into the distant city of Captial City... A few moments later, Kanan joined him!

Ezra: Look, Kanan... Did you really want to dump me on Luminara even if I wasn't doing a good job in training?

Kanan is shocked, remembering that Kaitis never wanted Ezra in his life after Anakin's so-called Death at the hands of the Empire...

Kanan: Kid, I said earlier about not wanting to get rid of you and I meant it! I never wanted to dump onto anyone... (Sighs) Look, I just wanted you to have the best teacher, someone who you could trust...

Ezra couldn't contain shock or his anger any longer!

Ezra: Well, I don't want the best teacher! I want you!

Kanan's self-doubt turns to shock, the very thought that Ezra wants him as a Master even though he had never even finished his own Jedi training before his own Master was killed on the day that the Empire was born! Ezra tried to explain to the older Jedi that he wants to be stuck with him!

Ezra: You helped me learn to trust in becoming a Jedi like Anakin again after Kaitis betrayed me and Eldra when you barely knew me... You saved from being turned into an Inquisitor and... You even got me believing in the fact that I could learn more about who my real parents were again! And I have a lot to learn... But you don't have to get rid of me just because you never reached the Rank of Jedi Knight, I left Lothal with you! This is where I wanna be...

Kanan smiles a little bit, knowing that Kaitis was right and wrong about Ezra's Jed moves and who would train him if the Jedi Order was still around!

Kanan: While it's true that with your reckless actions, your brother's right about the fact that you never would have made it as Master Luminara, Master Windu, or even as my Master's Padawan...

Ezra frowned a little bit, remembering his brother's harsh words once from when he was a little kid...

Kaitis: You're reckless, little one... You never would have made it as Luminara's Padawan if the Jedi Order was still around!

However, Kanan finishes his sentence with something that Kaitis never would have said!

Kanan: But you might make it as mine!

Ezra frowned a bit shocked but happy a little that Kanan wanted him as a Padawan... Kanan gently ruffles Ezra's hair, actually glad that Ezra's in his life!

Kanan: And to tell you the truth, kid... I guess that just like you do in your own Jedi training, I've got a lot to learn too...

Ezra smirks a little bit, knowing that Kanan makes a good point!

Kanan: But if this is where you want to be both as a Rebel and as a Jedi, then this is where you'll stay...

Ezra smiles before the two gazed into each other's eyes, knowing that Ezra likes the Jedi and the person that Kanan is now than what he was back when he was little...

Ezra: Hey... For the record and for what it's worth, Kanan... I... I like Kanan Jarrus much better than the person that you used to be after you lost everything on the day I was born!

Kanan smiles, knowing that Ezra would be the first Jedi to say that in almost 15 Years...

Kanan: Well... Then you'd be the first... But thank you... Come on!

The two of them got up, deciding to saber train with each other after a long day... As Ezra used Ahsoka's lightsaber to train against Kanan's lightsaber, memories of her and Anakin flashed briefly through his mind...

???: I'm Ahsoka... Master Yoda sent me! You're stuck with me, Skyguy!

???: Don't get snippy with me, little one! You never would have made it as Obi-Wan's Padawan... But you might make it as mine... Stick close to me, if you can!

???: I'm right behind you, Master!

While Ezra's future and his answers about Anakin's fate is still uncertain, as long as Kanan's by his side, Ezra will manage his feud with Kaitis just fine!

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