Chapter Eighty-Seven: You truly are a Jedi!/And I have you guys...

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Back on Garel, Ezra, Omega, and Chopper had just exited the Broken Horn and had made their farewells to Visago before heading back to the Ghost! As they reached the loading ramp, the three of them overheard Hondo talking to Kanan and the others about his adventures with Ezra, who didn't seem to be harmed in any sort of way, much to Ezra's relief!

Hondo: Well, wait. I'm not done! Then he let Vizago out! The villain was upon us, I'm telling you! But young Ezra, he stood tall in front of me and withstood a massive atta...

Suddenly, Hunter, Hera, and Kanan all felt the tension release from them without even knowing it, relieved that the kids and Chopper were alright and didn't seem to be harmed in any sort of way! Hondo had been so caught up in his so-called story to hide the fact that he had double-crossed Ezra and the others, that he had not noticed Ezra approaching them!

Hondo: Ah! My friend! I was just talking about you guys! How you and I rescued the generators from the evil Vizago...

As Hondo placed a hand on the kid's shoulder, Ezra shrugged it off proving that he is 100% done with Hondo's false stories!

Ezra: Yeah, that's not true... You stole the generators, knocked out my friend, and stole our ship!

Kanan, Hera, and Hunter's frowns all turned into a proud smile!

Hondo: (Gasps) What an accusation! You wound me!

Omega rolled her eyes, reminding him that Chopper had put the Phantom on autopilot before he kicked him out and took Kanan with him!

Omega: Chopper had the Phantom on autopilot...

Hondo: Well, that's another version of the story, I suppose...

Omega giggles before running up to Wrecker as the gentle giant lifts her onto his shoulders, impressed at her and Ezra's skills from what Kanan was just telling him!

Wrecker: (Laughs) Kids, where'd you learn to do that? 

Hondo: She and Ezra are naturals! I've never seen anything like it...

Wrecker and Omega smiled at that compliment while Ahsoka frowned, knowing that Ezra did the opposite of keeping a low profile on his little spin!

Ahsoka: I told you to keep a low profile! This is the opposite...

Ezra frowned before looking down at the ground with shame, causing Omega and Wrecker to frown a little bit worried at the kid! Luckily, Hondo stood up for the kid before anyone else could say anything!

Hondo: Ease up, Fulcrum! Omega and Ezra risked both their lives to get the power generators that your Commander friend needs and to rescue me and Visago from Azmorigan, so try showing a little gratitude to my friends! Whether you two are a Clone a Jedi or not, you two did good, kids...

Ezra smiles at the Pirate's gentle shoulder pat as Omega nods silently as a "thank you," as Hondo grabs his Visago's credits before giving the last crate of generators to Hera as he takes his leave!

Hondo: I'll tell you what... You can keep my generators, they are my gift to you! Goodbye!

But as Hondo left, Ezra surprisingly followed him!

Ezra: Hondo, wait... About the offer that you made for me to join your crew and become a Pirate Jedi back in our cell aboard Visago's ship back on Dantooine...

Hondo: Yes?

Ezra looked at Omega, who smiled at him, giving the kid the courage to tell him what is in his heart! The kid took out his secret family locket, explaining to Hondo and the rest of his friends what he told Omega, Chopper, and Visago back on the Broken Horn earlier!

Ezra: Back after my former adoptive Kaitis betrayed me, my adoptive parents, and adoptive older sister Eldra over there when I was little I would've said yes in the blink of an eye without any hesitation at all! But now, things are different... My life is different now, and I'd rather stay with my new Rebel family than walk away from being a Jedi again...

Eldra and Kanan smiled at the kid, knowing how true that was!

Ezra: So Hondo, at one time when I used to be like you, I might have joined your crew!

Hondo chuckled with gentle fondness, Ezra truly was a Jedi and a good fighter! Born to speak up for those in need in the Senate, just like his birth mother... And well, he, Rex, Ahsoka, Eldra, and Kanan all know what his birth Father was like!

Hondo: You might... (Chuckles) Oh, Ezra... You truly are a Jedi!

Ezra smiled as the Pirate left, knowing that he'll be just fine! Hera decided to tell Minister Tua and Commander Sato the good news, before turning to Eldra!

Hera: Contact Commander Sato... Tell him Ezra Bridger found his generators!

She and Eldra leave with a proud smile, they were both glad that Ezra did the right thing! Kanan watched as Omega, Chopper, and the others left, giving Ahsoka a chance to reconcile with his student!

Ahsoka: You really used my rough training skills and it paid off in getting Sato's generators back?

Ezra nods, explaining that he wants to stay here with Phoenix Squadron even if being a Rebel is harder right now than it was before he and his crew joined them!

Ezra: I wanted to be useful, even if I couldn't go on the mission because I felt too pressured to go with you guys... I wanted to make things better for us! I know you all gave up everything because of me... I know that good against the living is different than doing good against a remote, and I have a lot to learn before I become a Jedi Knight like Anakin did, but you don't have to push me so far that you have get rid of me... Like or not just like Anakin did with Obi-Wan on Tatooine, and Omega did with Hunter on Kamino all those years ago, I left Lothal with you, Kanan, and the others! This is where I wanna be...

Ahsoka sighed, knowing that makes both of them!

Ahsoka: Good thing we did give up everything for you, or we might be fighting against the Empire alone right now... Or worse! And to tell you the truth, kid, I guess I've got a lot to learn too... Jedi or not, I still consider you my friend!

Ahsoka gave Ezra a gentle little shoulder pat, before giving Kanan some time alone with his Padawan...

Kanan: (Sighs) So, did you enjoy going for a little spin?

Ezra smiled a little bit, glad that he and his Jedi friend finally had a chance to talk to each other again!

Ezra: Very funny, Kanan... I was just trying to figure things out!

Kanan: And did you?

The two of them watched as Hondo, as Ezra explained what he learned today when he went for a little spin!

Ezra: I used to be like Hondo... Out for myself and alone... But that's not who I am anymore!

Kanan smiled, knowing that Ezra's much different than the shy, unsure person that was before he met him and the crew!

Kanan: You're on a different path now...

Ezra smiled gently, not only that but also he has Kanan and the rest of his friends!

Ezra: And I have you guys...

Kanan smiled, glad that Ezra is choosiing to stay here with him and the others! As the two of them made their way back up the loading ramp and inside the Ghost, Kanan did something that he hasn't been able to do as often as he did since Rex, Quinlan, Omega, and her Squad had joined them... He placed a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder before pulling his student close to him, knowing that Ezra will become a great Jedi one day!

Kanan: We made the right choice, Ezra... I'd do it all again! But if this is really where you say that you want to be, then this is where you'll stay...

Ezra smiled as they went inside, he knew that he could always count on Kanan, no matter how bad things got...

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