Chapter Forty-Nine: We're a Family/Ready to Talk...

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In the med bay on Phoenix Squadron's ship, Ezra was lying on a medical bed, his right injured cheek had been treated with some bacta and there were bandages covered on the right side of the kid's face, but was alive! Slowly but gently, Ezra's blue eyes started to open! The first thing that Ezra saw was Ahsoka sitting in a chair nearby, causing Ezra to wake up his eyes filled with fear, remembering the last thing before he fell unconscious!

Ezra: (Gasps) Kanan!

Seeing that Ezra has finally woken up, Ahsoka gently placed a calm hand on the kid's shoulder!

Ahsoka: It's alright, Ezra... It-it's okay, you're safe!

Calming down, Ezra remembered Kanan's concerned voice for him before he fainted earlier back on the Ghost...

Kanan: Hey kid, you feeling alright? You don't... You don't look so good!

Ezra: Kanan?

Ahsoka: Kanan is fine, thanks to your actions!

Ahsoka stepped out of the way, revealing a sleeping Kanan, who was resting the effects of the Empire's Torture on him! Ezra relaxed, seeing that Kanan is safe and sound! Sitting up slowly, the kid goes over to his mentor's side before shaking his shoulder gently, trying to wake him up!

Ezra: Kanan... Kanan? 

Groaning softly, Kanan sat up, feeling much better now that he had recovered from the Empire's Torture on him! He opens his eyes as Ezra gives his friend some space before Ahsoka begins to help her old friend up!

Kanan: (Groaning) A-Ahsoka?

Ahsoka smiled, before she gently brushes a lock of her friend's hair, relieved that her friend is okay!

Ahsoka: Hiya, Kanan...

Kanan: (Groaning) W-What happened? (Gasps when he remembers Ezra's getting hurt by the Inquisitor and fainting on the Ghost!)

Ezra: AAHH!!!

Kanan: NO!!!

Kanan: Hey kid, you feeling alright? You don't... You don't look so good!

Ezra: Y-yeah, I'll be fine... Just feeling a little bit... (Groans) Dizzy...

Hera: Whoa!

Kanan: Ezra!

Kanan shot up, worried that Ezra was badly hurt because of him!

Kanan: (Gasps) Ezra!

Ezra quickly takes Ahsoka's place by his Master's side before he places a comforting hand on Kanan's arm, letting his Jedi friend know that he's here before the two of them share a gentle hug!

Ezra: Kanan! I'm here! You're... You're okay... (Sighs) Don't scare us like that again!

Kanan: (Laughing)

As the two embraced, Ahsoka smiles, happy seeing a Jedi Padawan reunite with his Master!

Ezra: Hey buddy... How are you feeling? Are you okay? Are you hurt?

Before he could answer, Crosshair comes into the room, offering some hot choco for him and the kid!

Crosshair: How do you feel?

Kanan gently takes the hot drink, his ribs still feeling sore due to the effects of being electrocuted!

Kanan: (Groans) Ribs still feeling a bit sore from being electrocuted by the Empire, Crosshair... (Grunts as Ezra helps him sit up so that he's a little bit more comfortable!) But... I'm okay, Ezra... I'll live, it's nothing a few days of medical attention and rest won't fix!

Ahsoka gives Ezra his cup of hot choco as Kanan placed a worried hand on the bandages over the right side of his student's cheek, knowing that he would never forgive himself for letting Ezra get hurt!

Kanan: Are you okay, Ezra? Are you hurt anywhere else? When I thought that the Inquisitor had hurt you and then you fell off the platform and I thought that he had killed you, I thought that I...

Ezra looks up at his reflection in his hot choco, seeing that Kanan really thought that he had lost him like he had lost his Master back on that Star Destroyer... Holding his warm drink in one hand Ezra puts his other hand on Kanan's hand, reassuring his Mentor that he was okay!

Ezra: Kanan, it's okay... It still kind of stings a little since it's still healing, but... (Groans a little bit, causing Kanan to place his concerned hand back on his cheek again before the kid shakes it off!) Yeah... I-I'll be fine! Just... Try not to do anything stupid until you're healed up as well, Kanan!

Kanan: Hey! Aren't I the one who usually gives the orders around here since I'm the Jedi Leader here, Spectre-6?

Ezra: Oh no! Remember who was the one that did the rescuing here and got you out of that cell, Spectre-1!

The two of them giggled Kanan smiles sweetly at Ezra, even though it was dangerous and risky for the kid to come back for him, he owes Ezra a great debt of gratitude more to him than the others!

Kanan: From what Hera was telling me, I owe you the most debt of gratitude of all kiddo... Even if what you did was dangerous, risky, rash, and reckless!

Ezra shakes his head and smirks at Kanan's joking tone, almost repeating what he said before he got captured!

Ezra: Oh boy, there it is: Lecture Number four thousand five hundred fifty-nine, Why you should be more careful when rescuing your Jedi friend from the Empire and to not do anything rash or reckless that will get yourself killed... I know Kanan, I know! Besides, I have never listened to you guys before! Why should I start now? Oh! By the way... Vizago asked me to tell you that you're very lucky!

Kanan looks at the kid in confusion, why would Vizago consider him to be lucky?

Kanan: Why?

Vizago: To have a brave but reckless Padawan and friend like me...

Kanan looks down at his reflection in the mug of hot choco, knowing how true that was... Kanan smirked at the thought of Vizago saying that to Ezra as the two of them put down their drinks, before Ezra hugged Kanan, much to his surprise!

Kanan: Oaf!

Ezra: It's good to have you back, Kanan! I mean it, Master...

Kanan smiles before returning the gesture!

Kanan: Thanks, Padawan...

As the two departed from the hug and shared their hot choco, Ashoka smiled sweetly at the two of them... Ezra was Born to bring hope to those in need like Sabine and the Imperial Cadets, just like his Mother... And well... She and Kanan all know what his Father was like! But Crosshair was confused... Why would Ezra risk his life for Kanan when he could've gotten badly hurt trying to save his Master!

Crosshair: Why would you do that? You could've... Died trying to save your Master...

Ezra smiles at Crosshair, that's what you do in a squad and in a family!

Ezra: That's what you do in a squad and in a family... You look out for each other! Besides, he would have done the same for me... In fact, he has! And Kanan? I think I'm ready to talk about Kaitis now...

Kanan smiles, looking forward to whatever their future brings next!

Kanan: Well then me and the others are all ears, kiddo...

Ezra smiles while Ahsoka smirks at Crosshair, knowing that the two of them are the weridest Jedi team she has ever seen in almost 16 years!

Ahsoka: I don't know you guys, but... You two are the weridest Jedi team that me and Crosshair have ever seen!

The four of them giggled as Ezra talked about things between him and Kaitis, knowing that he is still his brother as much as he is still Eldra's brother! Ezra may not know what is in store for him next with Phoenix Squadron and the Empire, but he knows that he and Kanan will face it and learn how to survive it together!

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