Chapter Thirty-Four: Ezra's message of Hope/For Kanan...

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The next morning, Tarkin showed up with Crosshair to see that Kanan was handcuffed by Kaitis and the Inquisitor!

Grand Inquisitor: The Jedi who is known as Kanan Jarrus, sir...

Kaitis: He was armed only with this! (Hands Kanan's Lightsaber to Tarkin with an evil smirk!) Alive and well, just as you asked, Governor!

Tarkin smirked, impressed at Kaitis and the Inquisitor's results!

Governor Tarkin: Well done, Inquisitor... These are the results I expect! I knew that I count on you, Kaitis! The position of Commander is yours, as promised... Keep this up and you'll earn way more than just compliments... I'm talking about you becoming the new Grand Inquisitor and the one who will help Lord Vader turn Anakin's son into a Jedi Hunter personally!

Kaitis smirks at Crosshair, knowing that he'll enjoy that! But Crosshair frowned... Considering that Kanan's love for Ezra and his friends reminded him so much of his old team, especially a little girl who was much like Ezra, he was starting to question his allegiances and all he knows. He frowned, seeing that Tarkin had approached the captive Jedi!

Governor Tarkin: So, you are the Jedi in question?

Kanan glares at him, refusing to tell Tarkin anything!

Kanan: Whatever you want from me, you won't get it!

However, Agent Kallus discovers that they have a much bigger problem!

Agent Kallus: Sir, we have a problem!

Kaitis and Tarkin rolled their eyes, what could've possibly have gone wrong now?!

Kaitis: What could've possibly have gone wrong now?!

Governor Tarkin: Explain...

Agent Kallus: It appears the insurgents have gained control of the tower's transmitter!

Agent Kallus presses the comlink that is controlling the Tower, turning it on for everyone to hear!

Ezra(Voice over the Radio): We have been called criminals, but we are not. We are rebels, fighting for the people, fighting for you...

As Kanan is loaded onto the Imperial Ship, he is shocked to hear Ezra's voice! Inside the Ghost, Ezra continues speaking, knowing that it's what both his Adoptive and real parents would've wanted!

Ezra(Voice over the Radio): I'm not that old, but I remember a time when things were better on Lothal! Maybe not great, but never like this. See what the Empire has done to your lives, your families and your freedom? It's only gonna get worse unless we stand up and fight back. It won't be easy. There will be loss and sacrifice. But we can't back down just because we're afraid. That's when we need to stand the tallest. That's what my real and Adoptive parents taught me, that's what my new family helped me remember! Stand up together... Because that's when we're strongest, as one!

Kaitis becomes angry and blasts the Tower's transmitter, destroying it! Tarkin turns angrily to Kanan, knowing that Ezra will be captured!

Governor Tarkin: You do not know what it takes to win a war, but I do! Your loyal followers will be even easier to deal with... Your Padawan too! Surely you know how dangerous it can be out there...

Crosshair stood back in shock while Kanan glared at him, Tarkin and the others don't know Ezra as well as he does!

Kanan: You don't know Ezra!

Governor Tarkin: And you do? You're the reasonable one next to Hera Syndulla, tell us where he is and I will ensure he is returned to you safely...

Kanan refused, not willing to betray his friends so easily!

Kanan: I have seen how you treat your allies, Governor. I prefer to be your enemy! 

Have it your way... Take him away to my Ship!

Grand Inquisitor: Yes sir!

As Kanan was taken away, Agent Kallus overheard the Jedi and the Commander having a little conversation!

Kanan: So this is the side you've chosen? 

Kaitis: (Sighs] Look, You attacked an Imperial Tower... What did you think would happen? 

Kanan: Vader gave us no choice, we had to protect Ezra!

Kaitis: That's what I'm trying to do! Governor Tarkin's squad is out there looking for him, he's in danger! So please, if you know where he is, tell me... I'll protect him!

Kanan: Like how you swore to protect him after he lost Padme and Anakin 15 Years ago when he was just a baby? We all trusted you, Kaitis! I won't make that mistake again...

Kaitis lowered his head sadly, knowing that Kanan has made his choice! Kanan's eyes just widened with concern and horror, knowing that Ezra's in more danger now than he realizes! Agent Kallus watched the fight between the two former Jedi friends sadly, a sympathetic figure appears who left asking himself - is he on the right side? Back on the Ghost, Ezra sighs hoping that somebody heard him before the Tower was destroyed!

Ezra: Was it worth it? Do you think anybody heard?

Hera smiled, placing a proud hand on the kid's shoulder, she has a feeling that they did!

Hera: I have a feeling they did!

Ezra frowns he was even more determined to rescue Kanan from the Empire, before turning to the pilot!

Ezra: This isn't over...

Hera frowned, knowing that they will find Kanan!

Hera: No, it isn't...

The five Crew members knew that they were going to get their missing Jedi friend back, and they won't stop searching until they do!

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