Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two: See ya, Princess.../An alternative Idea!

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Later the next morning, Commander Sato and the others had their three new cruisers and were preparing to leave Alderaan! Ezra was telling the story of how he used Kanan's training wisely back on Garel before they left, and the Princess was impressed! 

Princess Leia: Now learning how to control your powers and your anger back on Garel impressive... Well, most of it!

Ezra: (Giggling)

Commander Sato: Well, that's all the cruisers and the supplies that we need from Senator Organa... Let's get a move on!

As Ryder, Sato, and the rest of their Fleet left, Ahsoka and Rex, talked with Bail and Breha while Ezra and Leia chatted along with Leia's Droid, Lola! 

Ezra: Who am I to separate the young lady from her droid? 

Princess Leia: (Laughing)

Lola: (Lola Beeping)

Bail: Ahsoka, Rex...

Breha: Thank you!

Ahsoka: Of course...

Bail: We can never repay you guys... 

Rex smirked at the kid, knowing that he has done that already!

Captain Rex: Well, he has already done that...

Lola: (Lola Beeping)

Bail: I fear for his future... The Empire grows stronger and bolder...

Ahsoka: Well, if you ever need our help again, you know where to find me...

Captain Rex: Let's hope that day never comes...

As everyone on the Ghost boarded the Ship, Kanan, Ahsoka and Rex watched as Bail went over to talk to Ezra!

Princess Leia: So, what'll you do now? 

Ezra: I don't know... What do you think I should do? 

Princess Leia: I think you should sleep for a while... 

Both: (Both Laughing) 

Ezra: I think you're right!

Bail: Ezra, may we speak before you say goodbye to Leia and my Wife?

Ezra nodded his head yes, before he approached the young boy...

Bail: Ezra... When I said before that I did know your parents and how much you reminded me and Breha of Anakin and your Mother... Ezra Skywalker, you are wise, discerning, kindhearted... These are qualities that came from your Mother who was... (Sighs) Was a Senator as well as a great Leader by the age of 18 as a young Queen on Naboo and was never afraid of taking risks... But you are also passionate, and fearless, forthright! And these are gifts from your father who was... A wonderful Jedi Knight to a lot of members of the Jedi Order, including your Jedi friends and mentors, and by all the accounts a very nice man to both Ahsoka and Rex! Both were exceptional people who bore an exceptional son! I wish I could tell you more...

Ezra turned his head back at Kanan and the others, knowing that Bail doesn't have to... He'll discover the truth on his own with his Rebel Family, when he believe that he's ready!

Ezra: It's okay... You don't have to!

Kanan smiled proudly at his student before giving Bail and Breha a gentle hug...

Bail: Thank you! Come here... (Both him and Breha hug Ezra, knowing that he will be a great Jedi Knight one day!) You are greatest last Jedi Youngling in the Galaxy who is like Anakin and Padme more and more every day that we have ever met! Don't let anyone, not even Kaitis or anybody else in the Empire Navy... Tell you different!

Breha: Hmm... The feeling is neutral, I assure you! Best of luck, Ezra! 

Ezra nods, before going over to Leia and Lola!

Ezra: Take care of Lola, and don't get into too much trouble without us, Princess!

Princess Leia: Heh... Look who's talking!

Lola: (Lola Beeping)

Both: (Laughing)

Leia placed a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder, asking Ezra to keep up with his Jedi Training now and then!

Princess Leia: Wherever you end up, remember what I said... And keep up with your training while you're busy, huh? Understood? 

Nodding softly but gently, Ezra gave the Princess a hug, glad to have someone else in the Galaxy to know how he feels! Shocked at the gesture, Leia gently returned the hug... Bail and Breha seem shocked at the gesture but smile bittersweetly at the two of them... Ezra pulls away from the hug, wiping a bittersweet tear, promising to do just that!

Ezra: Yes, Princess...

Princess Leia: Keep an eye on your Family! 

Ezra nods before going over to Kanan's side on the loading ramp, before waving goodbye to Leia and her Family as Ahsoka and Rex get on as well! Shocked, Leia waves back as the loading ramp closes and everyone on the Ghost leave with the rest of the Fleet! As the Rebel Ships leave, Bail and Breha asked their adoptive Daughter if that's the last they've seen of Young Skywalker and his Crew...

Bail: Do you think that's the last we've seen of Ezra and his Crew?

Leia shook her head no, and she's really glad about that!

Princess Leia: Nope... And I'm glad!

Little did she know, that Leia would soon realize later that she and Ezra had a lot more in common than they first thought! Meanwhile back on the Ghost in hyperspace while Kanan and the others were asleep, Ezra was in the cockpit while Hera was sleeping, considering they were safe for now to relax in hyperspace! Ezra sighed at his Family Picture inside his Locket, remembering what Eldra told him about finding the truth one way or another even if Kaitis doesn't want him to, on the night before his 7th Birthday...

Young Eldra: I wanted to keep you safe, away from your old life... But when you are old enough, you'll have to find answers about your Family!

Young Ezra: Even if Kaitis doesn't want any part of me being in his life or my mission to find the truth about them?

Young Eldra: (Chuckles) Yes, especially if Kaitis doesn't want to be involved in it! Like or not though Ezra, you have to find answers about your real Parents first before locating your Siblings  when you're ready and old enough! (Sighs) One way, or another...

Ezra frowned before hiding his Locket away back under his orange clothes, knowing that Kaitis's decision to stay away on the wrong path in this War and kill or hurt anyone close to him just to get his revenge of him is his own choice... But he has to find answers about his Birth Family without angry or hatred, one way or another!

Ezra: Sorry, Kaitis... But I have to find answers about my Birth Family the right way when I am ready or old enough! (Sighs) One way, or another...

Just then, Sabine came in, wanting to talk to Ezra about an alternative way that they avoid the Empire and protect the Fleet by using a different hyperspace route, instead of the one they use for Lothal!

Sabine: Ezra, I have an idea on how we can protect the Fleet by using an alternative hyperspace route!

Ezra: Really? What do you mean?

Sabine: Buddy, let me tell you a little something about using a different route than the one that we use for Lothal all the time!

Ezra smirked, now they're getting somewhere!

Ezra: (Sighs) Now we're getting somewhere! Go on...

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