Chapter Sixteen: A Traitor Revealed\ Escape

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When Kanan spotted the Inquisitor just before the Cell Door closed behind him, he felt his Kyper Crystal in his lightsaber ringing out "Danger, danger!" But to be honest, he didn't care about his well being. All he cared about was Ezra's life being in danger! He switched his lightsaber on after putting the two parts of it together, as the Inquisitor approached him and Ezra!

Grand Inquisitor: I must say, I was surprised when Agent Kallus told me and my Master that there was a Jedi who helped in the aid during the breakout of the Wookies a few weeks ago. However, when told me that your youngest ward was Anakin's youngest child... Well, then my interest opened up!

Ezra simply backed away as the Jedi Hunter continued speaking. 

Grand Inquisitor: Master Luminara may have died with the Republic, but her bones continue to serve the Empire, luring the last Jedi to their ends!

Ezra picked up his comlink to warn the others, but they aren't responding!

Ezra: Kanan, Specter Five and Four aren't answering!

Kanan knew that meant the Imperials have jammed their comlinks. Launching forward, he swung his lightsaber at the Inquisitor. However, as Kanan kept launching his lightsaber at the Jedi Hunter, it didn't seem to him like the Inquisitor was even breaking a sweat!

Grand Inquisitor: Impressive... It seems that you trained with Jedi Master Depa Billaba!

Kanan's body went ice cold at the sound of his Master's name. The only person who had ever heard about his Master was Hera and no one else! So how could this Jedi Hunter know about her?!

Kanan: H... How? Who are you?

Grand Inquisitor: My new Apprentice tells me a lot about you as a child... In close-quarter fighting, Billaba's emphasis was always on Form Three... But you favour to a ridculous degree!

Suddenly, the Inquisitor grabs Kanan's forearm before throwing him into the wall! Ezra immediately ran over to his friend!

Ezra: Kanan!

The young boy placed a concerned hand on Kanan's shoulder, which caused Kanan to get back up and fight. He would rather die before he would let anyone harm Ezra! The Inquisitor just smirked, knowing that he still hasn't changed in almost 15 Years...

Grand Inquisitor: Clearly, you were a poor Student!

Ezra just got up and shot a few energy blasts from his Yellow Slingshot, but it is unaffected on the Jedi Hunter!

Grand Inquisitor: Is that really all you've got, my boy?

Ezra smirked, crossing his arms before he turns to the Cell Door!

Ezra: Well, I've got that!

A bomb that Sabine had given him earlier blew up against the door, setting him and Kanan free! The kid grabs his Mentor's hand, no use in them hanging around here!

Ezra: No sense in hanging around here!

Kanan: My thoughts exactly!

The both of them make a run for it, but a different Sith User shows right in front of them! Unfortunately, Ezra knows who it is!

Kaitis: Leaving so, Ezra?

Ezra growls in anger before he Force grabbed his lightsaber from his belt!

Ezra: You! I remember you, Jedi Traitor!

Kaitis: Traitor? That's not a very nice way to describe an old friend!

Ezra: You left me and your own sister for dead! Luckily, Echo and Omega both pulled me and Eldra out of the wreckage!

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