Chapter One Hundred and Thirty: The same way.../Peaceful Dinner!

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Later that afternoon, Ezra was sitting on some rocks that were a nearby river stream outside outside of the Palace's grounds... Ezra took out his Family Locket, his gentle blue eyes looking at his real Family that would've been so happy if it wasn't for the Empire... Feeling tears prick at eyelids, Ezra wipes them away with orange shirt sleeve, knowing he's now lost both his real and his adoptive parents... While the young boy sat alone in his grief, Princess Leia came up behind gently, knowing who the strange boy was after meeting him and Sabine, as well as learning his true last name!

Princess Leia: Ahem...

Ezra: Huh? Oh, hey Leia... Sorry I didn't pay attention or notice you back there!

Princess Leia: No problem... You know, kid... I know who you are... You're Ezra Skywalker... I heard your transmission message over the Radio!

Ezra frowned bittersweetly, remembering that his adoptive parents heard it too but they were gone now!

Ezra: Yeah? My adoptive parents parents heard it, too... But they're gone now! My real Mother died of a broken heart when I was just a little baby, and I never got the chance to know my own Father either!

Leia frowned, realizing he's the kid that her adoptive Mother told her about and is suffering after losing some people he cared about, before offering her condolences to the young Padawan in person! 

Princess Leia: I'm sorry...

Ezra smiled as Leia sat down beside, before deciding to tell his new friend about he feels about this War with the Empire!

Ezra: It's just... There's so much against us! Do you ever wonder...

Leia nodded, knowing exactly what Ezra is feeling and is going through right now!

Princess Leia: If this fight is even worth it? Trust me, every single day! But I'm still here...

Ezra frowned, knowing that Leia doesn't have to risk her own life doing this even though she's more than a Princess!

Ezra: But you're a princess! No offense or anything Leia, you don't have to risk your life doing this!

Leia smiled gently, knowing how much that she and the little Jedi have in common!

Princess Leia: None taken, Ezra... And I feel like because I can fight, I have to for those who cannot! And I think you might be the same way...

Ezra smiled, before deciding to share a bit of his past with her!

Ezra: When I was just a baby, my Father's Mentor took my youngest Siblings to live in a safe place in the Galaxy while he took me to Lothal, and asked Eldra, Kaitis, and their parents to look after me... Kaitis was... Well, Kaitis about it!

Leia gave a gentle eye roll, understanding what he meant by that since she's seen the way that the fallen Jedi Knight Kaitis has acted against people over the Imperial News, esepecially since he shut out everyone's love and concerns after the events of Order 66!

Ezra: But... Eldra and her parents agreed to look after me without any hesitation at all... They told me that they always talked about adopting a baby boy when the Clone Wars was over and their children came home from the Jedi Temple, saying that I would be loved with them like I was one of their own! When I was old and ready enough for the truth, Eldra started to train me in the ways of the Jedi!

Leia smiled, knowing that's exactly the same with her and her Family!

Princess Leia: That's exactly the same with me and my adoptive parents!

Ezra smiled, before showing her the special Family Locket around his neck...

Ezra: Eldra helped me make this when I was little back when I had to imagine what my Real Family would've looked like!

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