Chapter One Hundred and Forty: Mission accomplished!/Raised right or not...

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Later after the Phantom left the System, Kanan was making sure that Ezra was badly injured in the explosion now that they weren't in a war zone right now!

Ezra: (Groans)

Kanan: Are you hurt anywhere else, kid?

Ezra was fine, thanks to his and Sabine's quick thinking!

Ezra: (Groans) Yeah... Yeah, I'm okay! I'm not hurt, Kanan... I-I'll be fine!

As Kanan rubs Ezra's wrists to make them feel better from being held captive by those men earlier, Rau himself woke up from being knocked by the Jedi earlier and was rubbing his own!

Fenn Rau: (Groans)

The two Jedi noticed that their prisoner was making up, before asking how he feels right now!

Kanan: How do you feel?

Fenn Rau: Like a prisoner...

Kanan: (Chuckles)

Ezra: That's the whole point!

Just then, Rau's Comlink started beeping! Kanan nudged him, he should probably get that!

(Comlink Beeping)

Kanan: Better get that!

Sabine, who was busy steering the Phantom right now, looked at Kanan, is he crazy?! He can't let a prisoner receive outside communications!

Sabine: Are you crazy?! You can't let a prisoner receive outside communications!

Kanan rolled his eyes, does anybody ever say yes to that question?

Kanan: Does anybody ever say yes to that question, Sabine?

As the Beeping on his Comlink continued, Ezra told him to just answer it already!

(Beeping Continues

Ezra: Just answer it!

Rau does what he's told, as the Mandalorian is asking if he's alright since they are marshalling their reserve starfighters for pursuit!

Mandalorian 1(Over the Comlink): Sir, are you all right? We're marshalling our reserve starfighters for pursuit!

But Rau knew that they had to stand down, knowing that Empire can't find out about the Rebels or his capture!

Fenn Rau: Stand down! There's no need...

Mandalorian 1(Over the Comlink): But, sir, if the Empire finds out about your capture...

Fenn Rau: You're not gonna let that happen!

Mandalorian 1(Over the Comlink): And the rebels?

Rau decided to grant Ezra and the others safe passage through their System, deciding to play things their way, for now...

Fenn Rau: Until I give the word, there is to be no mention of the rebels... And their ships are to be granted safe passage through our system!

Mandalorian 1(Over the Comlink): As you wish...

Later, all of the Fleet's Ships were safely in lightspeed of their new hyperspace route! Chopper had gone to charge for a few minutes, while Kanan, Sabine, and Ezra were handing Fenn Rau over to some Phoenix Pilots to escort him to his cell so that he wouldn't try anything funny!

Kanan: Welcome to the Rebellion...

Rau rolled his eyes, they were only friends right now because they have to be right now!

Fenn Rau: Right now we are only friends because we have to be!

As the Soldiers took him away to his cell, Sabine took her helmet off and put it in one of her arms on her hips, asking what does that mean?

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