Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Two: The Terrible Truth.../Do this the hard way!

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As lightning crackled all around them on Oosalon, Ezra face off against the Seventh Sister while Kanan dealt with both Kaitis and the Fifth Brother! This was getting a little old since they have been doing this same old thing for Months now, as Ezra knew that they could cross this System off for pPtential Planets to use for an Secret Base!

Ezra: I'm thinking this planet's not gonna work out as a base after all...

Kanan rolled his eyes while keeping his guard, sarcastically remarking that is completely obvious!

Kanan: Seeing that the key part of secret base is the secret location, no, it will not work out! Speaking of which, kid... Where in the world is Chopper?!

Ezra rolled his eyes since he literally already signaled the Droid to get them out of here, before knowing that he is either lost or he is ignoring them!

Ezra: I signaled him... He's either lost or ignoring us!

Kanan rolled his eyes as he continued his Duel with the two boys, knowing that Chopper is not lost at all before quickly telling Ezra to switch!

Kanan: Oh, he's not lost... Cross!

Kanan quickly force threw Ezra across, causing the boy to perform a perfect Force landing while crossing blades with both Kaitis and the Fifth Brother!

Kaitis: Not a bad form, kiddo...

Ezra frowned, before asking why his former Adoptive Brother hates Anakin so badly!

Ezra: I'll take that as a compliment! But in case that it wasn't one, I wanna ask you something first!

Fifth Brother: Oh, really? And just what is that?

Ezra: Just what did my Birth Father ever do to you to make you hate both him and even me so much in the last 16 Years?! Please, I just can't live like this with you lying to me and Eldra anymore!

From his Duel with the Seventh Sister, both Kanan and the Girl Inquisitor could see that Kaitis was obviously in grief while Ezra was getting misty-eyed as he lashed out, almost on the verge of tears while panting in frustration!

Ezra: What did I ever DO TO YOU?! Why?! Why do you shut me and everyone else you love out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so AFRAID OF?! 

Seeing that Ezra deeply hurt and upset and that his shouting had gotten to the point where everyone else had stopped their fighting to look at the two of them fighting... The Fifth Brother stepped away, lowering his Lightsaber as Kaitis did the same, before he finally cleared things up...

Kaitis: Alright, you do deserve the truth that I've been hiding... You see, while Ahsoka and Rex were helping Sabine's home Planet, your Father and Obi-Wan had dealt with killing with Count Dooku after he kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine, who has been a great friend to him since your Father first arrived at the Jedi Temple when he was a little Boy, before Anakin rescued them both... But after General Grievous escaped, Anakin returned to Coruscant, only for your Mother to reveal to him that she was pregnant, with you and your Twin Siblings... After the War was over, they were going to go into hiding to raise you three in the Lake Country by the Gardens back home on Naboo, where no one knew, so that you could all be safe... But soon he started having nightmares, about your Mother dying in Childbirth, losing you all like the way he lost his own Mother to the Sand People of his own Planet when he was still a Padawan Learner... And his troubles had doubled even more when my own Master, Mace Windu suspected that Chancellor Palpatine was behind the perpetuation of Clone Wars, before asking him to spy on the Chancellor since he has remained in Office long after his term has experied, which Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and even Anakin were all not happy with and did not agree with! But I knew that my Master would not be swayed, especially since Anakin was on the Jedi Council, but was not granted the Rank of a Jedi Master yet... Soon the Young Jedi was conflicted as he was stuck on Coruscant, as he was faced with the growing divide between his friend and mentor the Chancellor and the Jedi Order, and without the guidance of his own dear Master Obi-Wan, who has began his daring mission onto Utapau, in order to find General Grievous and bring him to justice! Before he left, they had a heart-to-heart that things will change soon, and that Anakin would be a Jedi Master soon! But little did they know, it might be the last time the two of them ever saw each other as friends...

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