Chapter Ninety-Seven: It just went high-profile!/It's time to play rough!

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Sabine frowned at her old friend, as they paced around like an old warrior stand-off!

Sabine: Ketsu Onyo... I saw your mark, old friend!

Ketsu: Friend? That's a generous term considering what happened...

Ezra was confused, the two of them knew each other?

Ezra: Uh, you two know each other?

Sabine frowned, seeing that Ketsu was still a bounty hunter like she used to be, not that the girl missed it or anything!

Sabine: Still a bounty hunter, I see...

Ketsu: Tell me you don't miss it!

Ezra frowned, Sabine was a bounty hunter?

Ezra: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... You were a bounty hunter? Okay, that explains a lot! And so many other things...

Sabine frowned, knowing that her old friend was not here for a reunion!

Sabine: I don't think Ketsu's here for a reunion...

Ketsu saw that Sabine knew her way too way since they last saw each other, she's only come for the droid!

Ketsu: You know me well... I'm just here for the droid!

Chopper beeped offensively, thinking that Ketsu is talking about him!

Chopper: (Chattering Beeps)

Ezra frowned, telling the orange droid that Ketsu was telling Boxy over there, not him!

Ezra: Not you, Chop... Him!

EG-86: (Droid Grunting)

Ezra turned his head from the droids to his friend, wanting to know how Sabine knew this person!

Ezra: So, Sabine, how do you know her?

Ketsu: She never told you how we broke out of the Imperial Academy?

Sabine rolled her eyes, knowing that was a long time ago before they dreamed of joining the Black Sun as bounty hunter cadets and before Ketsu left her for dead!

Sabine: That was a long time ago... Before you got greedy and left me for dead!

Ketsu: (Laughing) You'd have been better off dead than joining this band of rebels... I didn't believe it until I saw the Empire put a bounty on you!

Sabine: You gonna try to collect on it?

Ketsu: Haven't decided yet... Besides, I work for the Black Sun now, and I have another job to finish first!

Sabine: I can't let you do that...

Ezra watched as the two girls fought, seeing that the two of them were about to grab their blasters and shoot at each other during their silent warrior stand-off! The kid gently placed his hands in the air, trying to get them to relax before the mission goes high-profile!

Ezra: How 'bout we all relax before...

Stormtrooper 1: You there!

Ezra rolled his eyes at the ground, that's what he was afraid of!

Ezra: That happens...

Stormtrooper 1: Citizens, what's going on here? There's a curfew on this hangar... You need to leave immediately!

Ketsu frowned as both Ezra and Sabine took cover behind some crates before the older girl pulled out her blaster!

Ketsu: Don't interrupt us!

Stormtrooper 3: Aah!

Ketsu takes cover as well before Sabine pulled out one of her blasters and shot at one of the Troopers! Ketsu smirked, glad to see that Sabine has not lost her touch!

Ketsu: Nice shot! Haven't lost your touch...

Ketsu shot at another one of the Troopers, proving to Sabine that she has not lost her touch either!

Sabine: Good thing you haven't either!

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