Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Eight: Good Leaders?/You don't know him like I do!

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For the mission, the Spectres and Twi'lek Rebels had just departed on Cham's Nu-class attack shuttle to get to their new Stolen TIE bomber! During the journey, Kanan was talking about how Mace Windu spoke highly of Cham's tactics during the Battle of Lessu, as Cham elaborates about his exploits during the battle!

Kanan: Master Windu spoke highly of your heroics at the Battle of Lessu...

Cham: Ah! Mace Windu, hmm... Outnumbered 100 to one, we charged across Lessu's energy bridge to certain doom... We would not be stopped! They named that attack in songs, "The Hammer of Ryloth!"

Both: (Chuckling)

As Cham and Kanan laughed with both an amused Ezra and Eldra, Hera rolled her eyes from inside the Cockpit as she closed the door! Both Hunter and Omega were there with her along with Numa, who has learned to befriend the rest of Hera's friends, who even commented that Cham has taken a shine to Hera's Jedi Friend!

Numa: Cham has taken a shine to your Jedi!

Hera frowned, it was more like the other way around!

Hera: More the other way around!

Just the, Kanan reopened the door to join Hera and the others, still laughing and smiling from Cham's stories, he could listen to his Stories all day while at the same time, Cham could tell them all day!

Kanan: (Laughing) General Syndulla, I could listen to your stories all day!

Cham: And I could tell them all day!

Kanan sat down in his own Seat as Hera closed the Door again, as her Jedi seems to be taken in by Hera's Father! He honestly didn't think he was such a bad guy, seeing a lot of his leadership qualities in his own Daughter!

Kanan: Your father's not such a bad guy! I see a lot of him in you...

Hera, Hunter, and even Omega all glared at him, with the "Are you kidding me?" look that Ezra usually had in his eyes, before Kanan asked what the problem was, knowing that Hera and Cham were both great Leader who try their best to help people like Anakin and Ezra both do!

Kanan: What? You're both great leaders trying to help people!

Omega and Hunter both shook their heads, they highly doubt that!

Omega: I highly doubt that one, Kanan!

Hunter: I couldn't agree with you more right now, kid...

Hera nodded as she shook her head, Kanan doesn't know her Father like she does!

Hera: (Sighs) You don't know him like I do!

Kanan frowned, a conversation with both Ezra and Captain Howzer from earlier, with them both saying almost the same things, and it explains why Ezra was mostly quiet almost the whole emtire trip by now...

Kanan: I don't see what the big deal is, Cham doesn't seem like a such a bad guy! In fact, I see a lot of him in Hera!

Ezra and Captain Howzer both glared at him, with the "Are you kidding me?" look that Ezra usually had in his eyes, before Kanan asked what the problem was, knowing that Hera and Cham were both great Leader who try their best to help people like Anakin and his Padawan both do!

Kanan: What? The both of them are both great Leaders that are trying to help people!

Ezra sighed, after what Hera told him earlier, he finds that hard to believe!

Ezra: I find that hard to believe after what Hera told me earlier, Kanan...

Captain Howzer placed a comforting hand over Ezra's shoulder, agreeing with him as he put his former Clone Trooper Helmet back on!

Captain Howzer: Your Padawan's right, Kanan! You don't really know him like Captain Hera does!

As he leads Ezra to Cham's Shuttle and the memory fades from his mind, Kanan knows that they all correct and that something with Cham is up... However, he's just not sure what it is yet but whatever it is, one thing is for absolute certain: It can't be good!

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