Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen: Force Sensitive kids?/Ezra argues with Eldra!

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Soon Ezra and Eldra, along with their Masters had arrived at the building!

Kanan: This is Grid Nine... The Tower should be just ahead!

But Ezra quickly pulled his Jedi friend back, seeing the Seventh Sister's Probe Droid outside the building!

Ezra: Kanan, stop!

The four of them quickly hid behind a electronic billboard sign stand! Ezra frowned at Quinlan quietly, knowing that Kaitis and the others are onto them! Once the Droid leaves, the four of them quickly went inside to find Zeb and Pipey before their unwanted friends do! As soon as they are inside, Ezra started looking for the way that leads up stairs! Suddenly, Kanan pulled his student back, seeing that the Seventh Sister nearby! After seeing her leave, Kanan gives Ezra and his friends the signal to go!

Ezra: This is definitely the place...

Kanan: Are you sure?

Ezra: Ugh, who else has one of Seventh Sister's little toys outside the Building and is searching this place with the Fifth Brother along with Kaitis like this?

Kanan shrugged, seeing that his kid makes a good point about that!

Kanan: Good point!

As the four of them rush up stairs, Ezra almost trips on his metal part of his leg while climbing up stairs!

Ezra: (Grunts) Uhh!

Quinlan and Eldra turned around just in time to see their friend fall on the stairs on his hands, much to their concern!

Eldra: Ezra!

Quinlan Vos: Kid!

Luckily, Kanan quickly grabbed him and helped him up to his feet, checking to see if Ezra was okay!

Kanan: Gotcha! You okay?

Ezra: (Groans) Yeah... I just tripped on the metal part of my leg! I-I'll be fine!

Kanan helped his Padawan up the staircase, before Zeb called them over to the room that they were hiding in!

Zeb: Hey... Over here!

The Four of them entered the room, seeing that Pypey was asleep for the moment!

Kanan: How's the baby? 

Zeb: Quiet, for the moment...

Eldra: Let's see him!

Zeb: I wouldn't if I were you... It'll just start shrieking again!

But Eldra didn't listen, causing Pipey to wake up and shriek again like Zeb said, causing her and the Lasat to argue with each other!

Zeb: I told you not to disturb him!

Eldra: I was trying to be nice!

Zeb: Well, try holding him. You have the talent to connect, use it!

Kanan frowned, wondering what was wrong with him!

Kanan: Hey, hey... What's wrong with it?

Ezra frowned, sharing his theory from earlier in Oora's apartment!

Ezra: I have an theory... But I hope that I'm actually wrong, Kanan!

Quinlan Vos: Eldra, you have to be calm to keep him calm!

Eldra: Don't you think I'm trying? I don't know what to do with him!

Zeb: Whatever you're doing, stop it!

Eldra: You are making it worse!

Ezra sighed, before taking Pipey away from his sister's arms!

Ezra: You gotta do everything, huh? Oh, for the love of... Get out of my way!

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