Chapter Seventy-Seven: Omega vs Wrecker.../Ahsoka's doubts about Ezra!

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While Cut's family, Hunter, and the rest of Bad Batch had settled down on Garel, Omega was playing Dejarik, also known as holochess with Wrecker, while Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper watched, as the young girl was fixing her helmet!


Wrecker: (Chuckles) I got you this time. 

Just then, Hera came in! Rex and Hunter were on a mission right now, which is why they couldn't see Omega beat Wrecker at holochess again!

Hera: Still going on?

Sabine: Uh-huh!

Hera: Still hasn't beaten my and Chopper's old friend "Omega the Dejarik, also known as holochess Champ yet?"

Zeb: Unh-Unh!

But Omega gains the advantage over Wrecker, beating him once again!




Wrecker: What... (Groans)

Omega: (Laughs) Now you owe me two cartons of Mantell Mix!

Wrecker: Not so fast! One more game... Double or nothing!

But Omega remembered that Ezra is having a Jedi training lesson with Kanan which he has set up some old Jedi training remotes against the kid, with the help of Echo, Tech, and Ahsoka!

Omega: Oh, almost forgot! I promised that I would go and watch Ezra's training lesson with Echo's training remotes!

Omega runs off before Hera and the others rush after her!

Wrecker: Wait up!

Outside the Ghost, Omega and her friends came to join the others while they all were watching Ezra's training lesson with the training remotes! Echo, Tech, Ahsoka, Vos, Eldra, and Kanan were the ones there since Crosshair was with Hunter and Rex right now! Kanan smirked as Omega and the rest of his old and new friends sat down with him!

(Lightsabers humming )

Eldra: You and the others are right on time, Omega!

Omega: Oh, really? I thought I was late!

Quinlan Vos: That's what my old Padawan meant! (Sees how fast Ezra is keeping up with the training remotes, using his twin custom based lightsaber!) Your brother's a fast learner, Eldra!

Eldra smiled but Ahsoka frowned, still thinking that this was a lousy test and way too easy for him!

Ahsoka: I really wouldn't know!

Omega and Echo seem a bit shocked by that, wondering what that is about!

Echo: Okay... What was that about, Kanan?

Omega: Echo's right! What's her problem?

Kanan smirked at the two Clones, he seemed to get along much better with them and the rest of their Squad than he did with Rex the last few days... But even he didn't understand why Ahsoka was acting so cold towards Ezra when he and his other two Jedi friends knew that his Padawan was doing great at lightsaber training lately!

Kanan: I have literally no idea!

Ezra keeps deflecting the blasts from the training remotes for a few minutes before the remotes stop for a minute!

(System chimes)

(Lightsaber retracts)

Tech: How about we put those strategy skills to the test?

Tech presses a button on his remote for the Jedi training remotes, causing more advanced training remotes to appear in their place! Echo explained the new training remotes to Kanan that his brother had in mind for his Padawan!

( Whirring, Clicking) 

Echo: These are the new training remotes designed to simulate battle droids!

Tech smiled, humoring Ezra as if he knows the kid is prepared for this one! 

Tech: You ready for this? 

Ezra smirked, reaching for his normal spare lightsaber!

Ezra: Are you?

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