Chapter Seventy-Nine: A Sinister Plot in the works!/You have us...

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After Captain Rex, Hunter, and Crosshair had barely escaped from Christophsis with what was left of the supplies that Kaitis, the Seventh Sister, and the Fifth Brother had destroyed, angry that Ezra and the others weren't there, Kaitis had returned to his Chambers on his Ship! He didn't care how much Hunter and the others defended Ezra as much as everyone else did, he would find him and make him one of them...

Kaitis: Wait? Where's the boy?

Hunter: You tell us...

Crosshair: He's with them, he's not going anywhere with you!

Captain Rex: Harm him or the others and you're a dead man!

Ohhh... Yeah...
I can be who I want to be,
Doesn't matter what they say...
I might as well shoot for my dreams,
They'll criticize me either way...
I'm done with trying to impress all the time,
It's not your job to like me that's mine!

Oh, I'm finally free!
The only approval I really need is my own!
Oh I, I know the REAL ME!
The only approval I really need is my own!

I'm doing what's best for me,
It's about time I put me first...
Holding on to anxiety,
Has never really worked...
I'm done with trying to impress all the time,
It's not your job to like me that's mine!

Oh, I'm finally free!
The only approval I really need is my own!
Oh I, I know the REAL ME!
The only approval I really need is my own!

I'm learning to back myself,
I don't always need a yes or an okay from someone else...
Soul searching,
Self-approval doesn't make me guilty!
I deserve to be happy...
I'm done with trying to impress all the time,
It's not your job to like me that's mine!

Oh, I'm finally free!
The only approval I really need is my own!
Oh I, I know the REAL ME!
The only approval I really need is my own!

Suddenly, a knock on his Chamber doors interrupts his thoughts! 

Kaitis: Come in...

Agent Kallus, the Seventh Sister, and the Fifth Brother came in, they were talking about how to use Kanan's distrust issues about Rex to pull him out of hiding by capturing Ezra as bait to get to him!

Agent Kallus: I don't usually talk about using Ezra as bait in the middle of the night but the Seventh Sister did say that you'd make it worth my while... Heh... I'm listening!

Kaitis: Everyone in the Galactic Empire here knows that Kanan Jarrus has been over-protective of young Skywalker ever since he met him on Lothal during his mission to rescue the Wookies... The both of us and Crosshair saw what he was capable of when he thought the Grand Inquisitor had killed Ezra during their lightsaber fight over the Mustafar System on Governor Tarkin's Star Destroyer before it was destroyed!

Fifth Brother: The boy is harmless...

Kaitis: The point is with all due respect, Fifth Brother... Kanan would do anything to rescue Ezra from the Empire!

Seventh Sister: Even working with a Clone that he doesn't trust just yet!

Kaitis nodded, seeing that his Inquisitor Sister got it! Agent Kallus frowned, wanting to make sure that he got this completely straight!

Agent Kallus: So you want me to hold him captive on the Admiral's top secret Star Destroyer, hold him in a secure Cell under a triple guard and security, which would force his Master to come out of hiding to rescue him, but only with his Droid and Rex as backup?

Kaitis nodded eagerly, while the Seventh Sister smirked evilly... Agent Kallus smirked, that was all he needed as an answer!

Agent Kallus: Oh, that is despicable... (Chuckling evilly) I LOVE IT!

Fifth Brother: But they've vanished with their Squadron, so oh well! Guess it's not gonna work after all!

Kaitis: They have to come back to fighting us instead of hiding with their secret Squadron sometime... And when they do, we'll be ready for them. Seventh Sister, make sure that the Fifth Brother doesn't make killing attempts on the Rogue Clones in this Galaxy from now on until the Admiral's special weapon finds Ezra! And remember, Lord Vader said that he wants him and Kanan alive... No plans to kill the two of them, just yet!

Seventh Sister: Never crossed my mind!

Fifth Brother: But I... Ah, nuts! 

As the three of them left, Kaitis frowned... Hunter and Captain Rex made a big mistake today when they defended Ezra like Crosshair and the others did in the past!

Kaitis: Disobeying orders again over a kid? Bad play for both of you! And I will get my hands on Ezra again, and Commander Sato is going hand him over to me personally! YOU WEAK MINDED FOOLS!!! (Evil Laughing)

Meanwhile, back on Garel, Ezra sat all alone on Captain Rex's ship, pretending to be a pilot in his seat! Rex came in, amused at seeing Ezra act so much like Ahsoka when she was little... Ezra noticed the Captain's presence!

Ezra: Eh, sorry, um, I'm in your seat!

Rex stopped the kid from getting up, before teaching him a few things about the controls on his Ship!

Captain Rex: The traverse controls are over here on the left, and the elevation's on the right!

Ezra: Really?

Rex nods his approval before Ezra continues as Kanan walked by... Even though Ahsoka was acting coldly with the kid, he could see how gentle Rex was with the kid, just like Hunter and the other Clones were! He overheard Ezra asking the old Captain what it was like to fight in the Clone Wars with Anakin!

Ezra: So, um... What was it like to fight in the Clone Wars?

Captain Rex: I don't the fighting even got to Lothal... But I'll tell ya, war was never dull! The General I fought with was among the greatest of the Jedi, I trusted him with my life more times than I can count! (Sighs) And I try my best to keep that trust...

Kanan smiled bittersweetly, knowing that he was a good friend of Anakin back when he and Ahsoka were young... Ezra frowned, memories of Ahsoka wanting to give him an actual real test flashed before his eyes...

Ahsoka: Look, you want a real test?

Ezra: Name it!

Ahsoka: Okay, I'll make you an actual test, and then we'll see what you've really learned!

Seeing that Ezra was upset by his Vision of the Inquisitors, Rex nodded at Kanan... He knew that he needs Kanan's support right now! The Jedi smiled before joining them in one of the seats, before asking his student what the problem was!

Kanan: Can't sleep?

Ezra: I keep thinking about the Inquisitors... Seeing that place... I don't want to end up an experiment on a table...

Kanan frowned, he would die before he'd let anyone hurt the kid!

Kanan: That's not gonna happen!

Ezra: If I'm as valuable as you say, Vader and Kaitis will both keep sending Inquisitors after me...

Rex frowned, knowing that it didn't matter to Kanan and the others!

Captain Rex: They can send everyone in the galaxy... You have us!

Ezra frowned, knowing that they couldn't fight all of them!

Ezra: You can't fight them all...

As the kid turned away in his seat, Kanan placed his hands on Ezra's shoulders in a comforting manner!

Kanan: Ezra, you don't have to worry... You are never going to face another Inquisitor alone by yourself again!

Ezra: Promise?

Kanan: I promise!

Ezra smiled sweetly, knowing that Kanan will always be there for him when he needs his most!

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