Chapter Fifteen: It's a Trap!

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Both Kanan and Ezra had just stepped out of the elevator and had stopped to catch their breath. Ezra wipes some sweat from his forehead, due to him and Kanan running so fast from the Stormtroopers.

Ezra: (Sighs) Who knew that those Stormtroopers were so persistent! Does always happen to you?

Kanan smirks before ruffling Ezra's hair before he smiles, he has no idea!

Kanan: Everywhere I go! But... How come you don't spend much time with your adoptive siblings like you used to?

Ezra fiddles with Secret Family Locket before speaking up. 

Ezra: Well, if you must know... When me, Eldra, and Kaitis were little kids we were... The best of friends! Day after day, we would go on amazing adventures together on Lothal, facing the unknown together... At least we did until... 

Kanan's emerald eyes softened at the sad tone in his friend's voice.

Kanan: Until what?

Ezra sighs sadly, before telling Kanan about his shattered bond with Kaitis.

Ezra: It was almost Five Years ago, Eldra devised a plan to search for any surviving members of the Jedi Order to help rebuild a Jedi Resistance and overthrow the Empire!

Ezra showed Kanan a picture of who Eldra thought had survived Order 66. It showed her, Kaitis,  Ezra,  Ahsoka, Luminara, Obi-Wan, and Kanan himself! Kanan couldn't believe that his Student and one of his childhood friends from the Jedi Temple when he was a kid could have such a beautiful dream of Hope for the Galaxy!

Kanan: (Gasps) Whoa...

Ezra: Eldra had always believed in Hope for the Galaxy ever since I was born, she wanted to give you and so many other survivors a better future, Kanan! Kaitis thought it was way too risky, especially with my adoptive parents imprisoned by the Empire! However; when me and Eldra wanted to go through with our dream on my 10th Birthday and didn't tell Kaitis, or anyone else for that matter... He told an Inquisitor about us and betrayed us! Turns out, he's also the reason that his own parents were arrested just because he hated me, blaming me for the loss of his Master! I... I couldn't keep Eldra safe, the same way I couldn't keep my adoptive parents safe either! I watched him and the Inquisitor almost kill my adoptive Sister, she was his big sister before I came into the picture for years, and they nearly killed the both of us in a second! The both of us were lucky that two Rogue Clones named Crosshair and Echo as well as an unaltered one named Omega pulled the both of us out of the fire wreckage! After that, Eldra went to join Fulcrum while I worked on earning enough money credits to buy myself a ticket so that I could leave Lothal! Once Kaitis joined the Empire and left the both of us for dead, freeing Lothal under Vader's rule seemed to be the only thing left that mattered to him anymore!

Kanan seemed shocked and hurt that Kaitis would choose the people who took everything from him, over Ezra and Eldra and his own parents! Especially since Master Kenobi asked them to take care of Ezra for him...

Kanan: More important than his own family?

Before Ezra could reply any further about Kaitis's ideas and what family truly meant to him now, he sees Two Stormtroopers that are guarding Luminara's cell!

Ezra: (Gasps) Kanan, get back!

Ezra pulls Kanan back before they could notice them, but the Troopers appear and notice them anyway! Ezra stood paralyzed behind Kanan in fear of being captured and tortured by the Empire again! However; before the Troopers could react, Kanan just reached his hand out, using one of his Force Jedi Mind Tricks on them!

Kanan: Shouldn't you be guarding the Jedi's Cell? It's on the next Level...

The Troopers obeyed, much to Ezra's confusion and surprise!

Stormtrooper: It's on the next Level...

Kanan: You should get moving!

Both Troopers turned to each other and replied.

Stormtrooper: We should get moving!

As soon as the Troopers left, Kanan smiled and gently asked Ezra to come over to him. Ezra's fear immediately goes away and smiles before he joins Kanan. Ezra unlocks the door with the Force before Kanan steps inside, to find Master Luminara sitting on the bench of her cell in her Prison Clothes! Kanan puts his hands on Ezra's shoulders, firmly telling the kid that he'll handle this! Ezra however, seemed to notice that something was wrong!

Kanan: Master? Are you alright?

Kanan didn't seem to understand why she wasn't answering him! However, Ezra launches an energy blast from his Yellow Slingshot, much to Kanan's confusion!

Kanan: Whoa, Ezra! What the heck are you doing?!

Ezra just pushes Kanan out of the way, knowing that this wasn't real!

Ezra: Relax! (Finds out that it's only just a Hologram!) I knew it, just a Hologram, just as I thought...

Kanan moves closer to see that Luminara's body was sealed in a container and was rotten to the core of her body!

Kanan: I... I don't understand, what happened to her?

Grand Inquisitor: No? It doesn't seem complicated!

Ezra's eyes immediately gasped in fright recognizing the man behind of him! Kanan quickly pulled Ezra behind him, not wanting the kid to get hurt! The Inquisitor smirked before he turned on his Red lightsaber, the temperature in the room seemed to drop down for Ezra and his Force Signature!

Grand Inquisitor: I am the Inquisitor... Welcome!

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