Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One: A terrible truth.../Sibling comfort!

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One early morning on Garel, Kanan and Hera were still working on finding a actual planet for real base that's safe from the Empire while everyone else was fast asleep! Well, almost everybody was fast asleep! In Zeb's shared room with Ezra, the Lasat was snoring pleasantly on his bunk! But on the upper bunk, Ezra couldn't sleep at all this early in the morning... You see, a few days ago, Quinlan and his old friend Ryder Azadi from Lothal had told both Ezra and Eldra the terrible fate of his adoptive parents... It was still haunting him!

Ezra: My name is Ezra... Ezra Bridger! I don't know you, but I think you might know my adoptive parents... Ephraim and Mira Bridger!

Ryder Azadi(Hologram): My name is Ryder Azadi... You're right... I know your parents! I can't believe you're alive, Ezra... I wanted to find you, but I guess you found me first!

Ezra: Wait a minute... I know you, don't I?

Ryder Azadi(Hologram): You remember? 

Eldra: Well, to be fair, you were pretty small back then, bro!

Ezra: (Giggles)

Ryder Azadi(Hologram): (Chuckles) I was the Governor of Lothal... I supported your parents and the messages they beamed out against the Empire, it was part of the reason I was accused of treason and sent to prison with them!

Ezra: I do remember... Then you know what happened to them!

Ryder Azadi(Hologram): Yes, I do...

Ezra frowned, knowing the terrible truth behind the former Governor's hard words!

Ezra: They're dead, aren't they?

Ryder Azadi(Hologram): I'm sorry, son... They are...

Ezra: (Sighs)

Eldra and Quinlan Vos frowned sadly at Ezra, knowing that he is taking it well and is more affected by their deaths than either of them were! But brave young Ezra strongly and bravely asked what happened to them, struggling to hold back his tears!

Ezra: Please tell me what happened...

Ryder Azadi(Hologram): You know, even imprisoned, your parents would stand up for those who couldn't... Especially after they heard your message!

That got both Ezra and Quinlan's attention for sure!

Ezra: (Gasps)

Quinlan Vos: Wait-wait, wait, you mean the message? The one that Ezra created on the day that Kanan was held captive by the Empire and his student disobeyed direct orders from you to rescue him that you told me about, Eldra?!

Eldra: (Sighs) Yes Master, that's the one!

Ryder Azadi(Hologram): Yes... That message, my dear... That message of rebellion you beamed out somehow made its way into the deepest dark of Imperial prisons! They were inspired by it, Ezra... They rallied others to rise up and break out.... Dozens of us, rebels, sympathizers are free, thanks to them! 

Ezra frowned, knowing that they didn't make it unlike the others did!

Ezra: But they didn't make it... 

Ryder Azadi(Hologram): They got separated in the escape... It was just like them not to leave until everyone else got out first... But by then, it was too late! In fact, it was Kaitis who ordered it since he saw them as traitors as much as your sister was! Especially considering his words about you two...

Eldra frowned, the look she had was one that Kanan held when someone threatened his Padawan!

Eldra: Which were?

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