Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight: Uncertain Future.../Heading for Alderaan!

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Later the next morning, Kanan and Ezra woke up and went to the cockpit room where Hera was talking about their plans to lay low for a while and get some help with Ryder and Eldra over on the Hologram! Right now, Ryder was convinced that standing by the Eldra's parents was pointless since things had gotten worse here than it has back on Lothal when she and Ezra was kids, while Hera disagreed!

Hera: Governor Azadi, we're grateful you stood by them for so long...

Ryder Azadi(Hologram):  Not sure what good it did... Things don't seem any better as it did when Eldra and Ezra were little kids here than back on Lothal!

Hera: At the moment, maybe, but we hope to change that in the future!

Ezra frowned, he may still be dealing with his pain and sorrow after what whatever yesterday, but he know backing out of the fight is not what his parents, real or adoptive would want of him, Eldra, or even Ryder would want them to do! But before Eldra could say anything to Ryder, the kid beat him to it!

Ezra: I understand how things are difficult things are right now after losing them, Ryder... I'm well aware of that! But Mira and the others told that if all you do is fight for your lives, than your own life is worth nothing! And hope is not pointless... If we don't have hope, than we have nothing! But either Kaitis couldn't see that, or he was blinded by the truth that he didn't wanna tell me that he didn't believe in me like Eldra, her parents, and even Kanan and the others did! And that's precisely why I left Lothal when I first met Kanan and the others...

Kanan placed a gentle hand on Ezra's shoulder, knowing that his student hasn't given up what his adoptive family taught him before Hera gave all of them some good news about what their next move is!

Kanan: Exactly! Forget about what Kaitis thinks... Think about Sabine, Zeb, Ahsoka, Rex, and everyone else!

Hera: Speaking of which, Senator Organa heard about our losses on Garel... He's sending us reinforcements... His agent says that we can stay on Alderaan for the time being and while they are giving us three cruisers!

Kanan smiles, knowing that is good news and a day on the beautiful planet of Alderaan is exactly what Ezra and the others need right now!

Kanan: Three cruisers? That is good news... Maybe some time on Alderaan is just what Ezra and the others need right now!

Hera sighed sadly, knowing that Ezra blames himself because what happened with them losing Garel even know the Pilot and the others didn't blame the kid compared to Kaitis and the others!

Hera: I hope you're right...

Eldra: Ryder and the others will meet on Alderaan as soon as we can, stay safe you guys...

Ryder Azadi(Hologram): And don't do anything stupid like try to do a very exciting landings when they are actually crash landings and get yourselves into trouble or almost get yourselves killed again!

Hera and Ezra both rolled their eyes, knowing that they can't promise that!

Hera and Ezra: You both know that I can't promise that!

Ryder rolled his eyes before asking Eldra if all Jedi were so reckless in the old days!

Ryder Azadi(Hologram): Oh, whatever... Were are all the Jedi so reckless during the Clone Wars?!

Eldra smirked, just the good ones!

Eldra: Just the good ones!

As the Hologram Transmission ends and Hera powers up the Hyperdrive to set a course for Alderaan, Kanan wanted to be sure if some time on Alderaan is exactly what Ezra wants for a while...

Kanan: Eldra and I think that Alderaan could be a good place to relax for a while until Commander Sato gets our new three cruisers... And the rest of it and avoiding the Empire, well... We can figure out along the way! Ezra, is that something you want for right now? 

Ezra looked sad for a moment, before he nodded his head yes, knowing that they never stay in one place for too long!

Kanan: Then that's what we'll do...

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