Chapter Fifty-Five: Rescuing Minister Tua/Crash landing!

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After landing on Lothal, Sabine leads Crosshair outside, and sees that has gotten so much worse for Ezra's former home planet ever since he and the others left to rescue Kanan and haven't been back since joining up with Phoenix Squadron!

Sabine: I've never seen so many Star Destroyers here... It's gotten worse!

Kanan walks out of the shuttle, gently holding Ezra's arm and helping him walk, due to him being drained from his recent Force trance!

Kanan: You okay?

Ezra: (Groans) I'll... I'll be fine! All right, Zeb, Chopper, stay with the shuttle in case we need a quick exit! Sabine, Crosshair, you're with me, Kanan, and Hera! Have your own little surprise ready to go as well, in case your theory is right!

Crosshair smirked, never crossed his mind!

Crosshair: Never crossed my mind!

Sabine: Tua's leaving from Bay 23, let's go!

Zeb and Chopper head back onto the shuttle, while the others go with Ezra! But their way is blocked by bucket heads! Ezra sighs, they're gonna need a distraction!

Ezra: Huh... We'll need a distraction!

Kanan smiles, way ahead of the kid already!

Kanan: Well, I'm gonna go make a few friends... When Tua arrives, I'll keep 'em busy while you drop into the hangar from above!

But Hera is confused, what Kanan is up to now?

Hera: Make a few friends?

Kanan: It'll be fun!

Hera: Fun?

Kanan: Don't worry, General Hera... Just be ready to move!

As Kanan runs off, Hera turns to Ezra, who simply shrugs! Even he has no idea what his Master is up to! Meanwhile, Kanan goes to knock out one of the Stormtroopers, then steals the junk armor to wear as a disguise! Thankful, it works like a charm and the other Trooper doesn't see that it's really him!

Stormtrooper 1: Hey, didn't we meet in basic training? You look familiar!

As the Stormtrooper talked with the disguised Kanan, the undercover Jedi nods at his friends to go ahead! Crosshair, Sabine, and Ezra smiled a little bit, while Hera thought that Kanan was out of his mind!

Sabine: Kanan's gone bucket head!

Crosshair: And you thought my missions with my old squad were werid!

Hera: I don't believe it!

Ezra: I'm kinda jealous, I only have the helmet... Okay, Crosshair, you go with Sabine and see if you can scan Tua's Shuttle from a distance! And yes, you can blow if it is rigged! Hera you're with me!

Sabine nods before she and Crosshair head off to scan the Shuttle while Hera goes with Ezra to find Minister Tua! From a nearby building, Ezra takes out his Macrobinoculars, so that he could see where Tua was! He could see where she was, but... The bad news was that she had some company!

Ezra: Well, here she comes... But she's got some company!

Hera didn't like the sound of that, before moving closer to him, confused by what Ezra meant by "some company!"

Hera: What kind of company?

Ezra takes another look before rolling his eyes, it's the last Imperial Officer that Ezra wants to see right now! Agent Kallus, the one who not only tortured both him and Kanan, but also was involved with wiping out Zeb's homeworld, and then almost killed Zeb literally just a weeks after his big brother figure accepted him as family and offered to share his cabin with him!

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