Chapter Ten: The Start Of A New Friendship Part Two,

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In the medical room of the Ghost, Ezra begins to wake up from his exhausted state as Hera tried to wake him up!

Hera: Ezra? Ezra, are you awake?

Ezra gently opens his eyes, seeing that the girls are smiling at him!

Sabine: Wow... You've seen better days, that's for sure!

Hera: (Nudges Sabine to be quiet!)

Sabine: Ow! What?!

Although his head was a bit dazed, Ezra smirked, it would take more than that to keep him down!

Ezra: I could take you Sabine even with a drained arm! 

Hera: How are you doing, Ezra?

Suddenly, he gasps in fright when he remembers that Zeb could've been killed! Just then, Kanan comes into the room carrying Zeb, before placing a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder, calming him down!

Kanan: Whoa, Ezra! It's all right! It's okay, you're safe... You hurt anywhere, kid?

Ezra: Yeah... I'm just not used to using the Force or focusing for that long, it's a new thing for me!

After calming down a little, Ezra wanted to make that Zeb was okay!

Ezra: Zeb? 

Kanan: Zeb is fine, thanks to your efforts. And so are the droids!

Zeb started to open his eyes, as Sabine sat on the bed with Ezra, who sat back down in his seat, relieved as Kanan knelt down beside Zeb! The kid didn't even want to think about what might have happened if he had been too late!

Sabine: Will he be okay?

Zeb: (Groans) Yeah...

Kanan helps Zeb to his feet, thinking that he was the one who saved him from Kallus!

Zeb: Thanks mate, I appreciate the save!

Kanan smiled mysteriously, it wasn't him that Zeb needed to say thank you for saying his life this time!

Kanan: It wasn't me... It was Ezra!

Zeb looked confused at the young boy who was sitting on the medical bed with Hera and Sabine. Instead of growling like he did when he left Ezra on the Imperial Star Destroyer on the day that they first met, Zeb just nodded softly at the kid, gently saying "Thank You." Ezra just gave him a shy nod, glad that Zeb is okay! Both Hera and Kanan gave the kid a proud loving mother and father smile before the older Jedi spoke up!

Kanan: And Ezra, your formal Jedi Training starts tomorrow!

Ezra's confused face turns into a happy smile, as both Sabine and Hera placed a proud hand on the kid's shoulders right before 3PO comes into the room!

C-3PO: Uh excuse me sir, but R2 says that the deal for our master is still available if you want it!

Kanan turns to Ezra, who nods smiling as if to softly say: "Everyone deserves a second chance!" Kanan smiles at him before turning back to the droids!

Kanan: Yeah, I think that would be okay with us!

Later on their master's ship, the man who owned the droids gave some money credits to Kanan before shaking Ezra's hand!

???: Thanks for returning my droids. I hope they weren't any trouble.

While Kanan is a bit nervous at that question, Ezra quickly covers for him!

Ezra: Are you kidding me? They were pieces of Cake! No trouble at all!

Chopper complained in droid language before both Kanan and Ezra quickly spoke up and close the door!

Both: Don't listen to him!

As the door is closed shut, the two of them quickly breathe a quick sigh of relief!

Both: Whew!

Ezra: That was close! 

Kanan gently ruffles Ezra's hair as they head to the Ghost!

Ezra: I'll never understand how you can simplify these battles into some kind of game!

Kanan: (Giggles) Come on!

Later that evening, Ezra went to his bed in his shared room with Zeb, since his room mate was still recovering in the med bay to heal from his fight with Kallus! The kid had just finished drawing a picture of today's adventure in a special journal that his adoptive mother gave to him as a present for his 6th birthday. He remembers what she told him about choosing his path as a Jedi...

Mira: Your father is right about one thing, though... You will be a Jedi one day! But only you get to decide what kind of Jedi you'll be, and no one can tell you to make that decision!

Ezra smiles, before singing a song... A song about a vow to make both his adopted parents and his real parents proud of him...

These were Mami's favorite,
I hope she looks down and savors it,
To bake with her was always so much fun!
For Papi, fresh-cut marigolds,
A bowl of cherries nice and cold...
If he were here, we fight for the last one!
It's been so long since I've seen them,
Since we sang favorite songs,
Or just talked through the night...
When they called me their Ezrita,
I would know in my heart...
I would know I was their shining light!
I hope I make them proud!
As a son,
As a leader...
Hope I make them proud,
And be all they would have wanted me to be!
I've often yearned for their advice,
On where to go and stop and think twice...
It's hard to know when you're just fourteen!
I'll soon be tested,
Don't know how!
Wish they could guide me here and now,
To help me get through this and someday become a Leader!
It's been so long since I've seen them,
Since we sang favorite songs or just talked through the night!
When they called me their Ezrita,
I would know in my heart...
I would know I was their shining light!
I hope I make them proud!
As a son,
As a Leader...
Hope I make them proud,
And be all they would have wanted me to be!
As a Leader,
As a son!
I want to make them proud!

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