Chapter Fifty-One: A death sentence/Thinking of defecting out of Fear...

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Back on Lothal in the Imperial Dome, Minister Tua was arguing with Agent Kallus... Ever since the demolition of Governor Tarkin's own Star Destroyer after Ezra and the others rescued Kanan as well as the Death of the Grand Inquisitor happened over the Mustafar System, Tarkin as much as Lord Vader had been obsessed with finding the Rebels, especially young Skywalker! But Minister Tua had found no trace of Ezra or the others ever since the young boy left Lothal and had vanished since his mission to rescue his Jedi friend and has not returned since he and the others joined up with Phoenix Squadron, and didn't understand what Governor Tarkin wants from her!

Minister Tua: Agent Kallus, I've exhausted every resource to find information about the rebels, but there is nothing to be found! What more does Governor Tarkin expect?

Agent Kallus frowned as he paced around the room, he was exhausted to the bone as much as she was... He's unable to find the Rebels ever since they left Lothal as well, especially Zeb and Ezra but didn't show it! 

Agent Kallus: He expects them to be punished, Minister Tua... His own Star Destroyer was demolished by these rebels! He takes that somewhat... Personally...

Minister Tua sighed, seeing that she doesn't know what else she can do!

Minister Tua: Well, I've doubled patrols, set up checkpoints, established curfews! I honestly don't know what else to do...

Before the argument between the two of them could continue any further, Darth Vader entered the room, surprising the two of them... He thinks that might be the problem why the Minister can't produce results!

Darth Vader: Perhaps that is the problem... You lack imagination, Minister, when it comes to producing results!

Agent Kallus started to back away from the table really slowly, knowing that it is best not to get on Lord Vader's bad side... Especially since he has become obsessed with finding Anakin Skywalker's youngest son! Minister Tua gulped, knowing that she should be careful of what she says next in front of Lord Vader!

Minister Tua: Lord Vader, with all due respect, you and Governor Tarkin are asking for miracles... If the rebels have left Lothal, then...

But Vader ignored her, he was determined to search the entire Lothal System if he has to until someone reveals the location of these Rebels!

Darth Vader: If the rebels have left, then we must draw them back... And if they are here,
we must draw them out... We will squeeze Lothal until someone reveals the whereabouts of these traitors!

Agent Kallus nods silently, knowing that Vader did not want any other survivors of the Jedi Order to raise the small whispers of hope that were slowly growing back on Lothal like how it was doing with Ezra, Eldra, and even Kanan already!

But Minister Tua didn't seem to believe that was possible... After all, she was merely a public official and had no experience with brutal tactics as he and Kallus did!

Minister Tua: I'm sorry, my lord... I am merely a public official, I have no experience with such brutal tactics!

Darth Vader stepped away from the table with Kallus slowly following him, perhaps she can explain that to Tarkin when she visits him!

Darth Vader: You can explain that to Governor Tarkin when you visit him...

Minister Tua didn't seem like the sound of the word "visit him," like it was some kind of death sentence for her!

Minister Tua: Visit him?

Darth Vader: He expects you tomorrow, to account for your failure...

As Lord Vader left the room, Minister Tua nervously became worried about Lothal and her punishment at the hands of the Empire!

Minister Tua: But I, I'm needed here... I, I couldn't possibly get away!

Agent Kallus smirked at her before he left the room, he and Vader will manage in her absence!

Agent Kallus: Not to worry, Minister... Lord Vader and I will manage in your absence!

As the two of them left the room, the Minister sank in her seat... She opened one of her desk drawers, revealing a picture of Eldra and Kaitis with their parents Mira and Ephraim when they were little... On her mother's shoulders, Mira was holding her little adoptive son Ezra, the very same Jedi that Kanan was training right now... Minister Tua sighed, remembering the day she met Ezra when he was 5 Years old...

Young Eldra: (Humming)

Young Minister Tua: (Gasps)

Young Ezra: (Laughing)

Young Kaitis: (Giggles)

Ephraim: You know it's not often I break out an old family recipe like this... Well, what do you think? Ezra?

Young Kaitis: A little sweet and a little bit salty...

Ephraim: Oh ha, ha, very funny!

Mira: (Chuckles)

Young Ezra: (Giggling) I'd actually pay real credits for this...

Ephraim: Oh yeah? Hey! I might start charging ya, kid! Ha-ha! Hey, does anybody else smell something burning? Oh!

Young Eldra: Oh, this was it...

Young Minister Tua: What was it, Eldra?

Young Eldra: The day that a little orphan baby infant boy appeared at our doorstep and stole our hearts... The day when our world... Became just right!

As Eldra smiles at her little brother, young Kaitis smiles but frowns sadly, still upset that he has to risk his life and freedom just so he and his family can take of Anakin's youngest son right now!

Minister Tua sighs sadly, knowing that Ezra is probably the only one who will believe her plead for help!

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