Chapter One Hundred and Twelve: Targeting kids?/Jedi business!

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On a passenger Ship that was departing Chandel, a woman who was named Darja was holding her baby infant granddaughter who named Alora, knowing that a new life awaits the both them, far away from trouble!

Alora: (Crying)

Darja: There, there, Alora! We're away from trouble now... A new life awaits us both!

Unfortunately, an Imperial Star Destroyer pulled out of hyperspace and caught the ship in a tractor beam! Darja held her grandchild close to her arms, knowing that the Empire is here and that they need to get out of here now!

Darja: It's the Empire! They're seizing the ship! We need to get out of here!

She tried to make a run for it but was eventually cornered by the Seventh Sister, Fifth Brother, and Kaitis! Darja frowned, knowing that this is a civilian transport and that they were clearance for takeoff hours ago!

Darja: This is a civilian transport... We were granted clearance for takeoff!

Kaitis frowned, that clearance was canceled already since the woman was carrying a cargo that had great deal of interest to him and his Inquisitor siblings!

Kaitis: I'm afraid it's been canceled... As fortune would have it, you carry a cargo of great interest to us!

Darja held Alora tighter in her arms, warning them to keep away from her!

Darja: No! No! Keep away!

Seventh Sister smirked as she approached Darja, coldly reassuring her that they only wished to make friends with Alora!

Seventh Sister: Fear not, old one... We wish to make friends! But first we have some business to attend to... Fifth Brother, would you care to do the honours?

Fifth Brother smirked, with pleasure!

Fifth Brother: With pleasure!

The Fifth Brother activated his lightsaber before he killed everyone on the ship, while Kaitis just stunned Darja before he took the crying baby Alora away from her unconscious arms!

Alora: (Crying Echoes)

Meanwhile back on Garel, Ahsoka's ship had just landed near the Ghost and was paying Kanan a visit! But the Jedi knew that while it was always good to see her, Ahsoka coming here usually meant that there was trouble!

Kanan: This is unexpected... Don't get me wrong, it's always good to see you... But usually it means there's trouble!

Ahsoka frowned, it was Jedi business that she wanted to talk to Kanan about!

Ahsoka: What I have to say is Jedi business...

Kanan shrugged as he leads his old friend to his room, knowing that he qualifies more than she does in Ahsoka's opinion!

Kanan: Then I guess I qualify!

Ahsoka: You qualify more than I do...

Inside Kanan's room, Ahsoka explained the problem to him!

Ahsoka: I've been monitoring transmissions from Mustafar to find out more about the Sith Lord...

Kanan: And?

Ahsoka: Information about him eludes me, but I've learned more about his Inquisitors... It seems they have a secondary mission to make retrievals!

Kanan crossed his arms, confused by that... He knows that they and Kaitis hunt Jedi after their last plan to draw him out of hiding by using Ezra as bait failed, so what else could they be after?

Kanan: We know they hunt Jedi, so what else are they after?

Ahsoka frowned before holding out a datapad, she managed to decode two sets of coordinates on where Kaitis and the Inquisitors were last headed!

Ahsoka: At this point, I could only guess... I managed to decode two sets of coordinates, I'm on my way to investigate the first one!

Kanan nodded, knowing that he can handle investigating the second especially if means keeping something out of the hands of Kaitis and the Inquisitors!

Kanan: And you want me to check out the second... I'm in!

But Ahsoka thought it might be a good idea to have Quinlan and their Padawans join him just to be safe!

Ahsoka: You should have Ezra, Eldra, and even Quinlan join you!

Kanan laughed, she and Quinlan have already briefed on the mission!

Kanan: She's already briefed on the mission!

Kanan punched the door button with his hand, revealing the two of them were listening to the whole entire conversation! Eldra fell on the ground along  with her Master before standing back up, sheepishly saying that Ahsoka did mention that this was Jedi business!

Eldra: Hey! She did say this was Jedi business!

Quinlan rolled his eyes, before deciding that they should bring Zeb on the mission as well to keep Omega and the others safe as well, some extra muscle might be helpful against the red blades!

Quinlan Vos: We should bring Zeb as well! Some extra muscle might come in handy against the Inquisitors!

Ahsoka smiled, seeing that Quinlan made a good point! But as all her friends left, Eldra was worried about her adoptive brother tagging along... She was worried that after his last encounter with the Inquisitors, Ezra was too fragile to handle this mission!  But little did she know that like Kaitis did even though he would never admit to anyone or himself, they couldn't protect Ezra forever! Not from Vader, the truth about Anakin, and more importantly not even from himself...

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