Chapter Twenty-Seven: Trust Restored/ Kanan gives Ezra his Padawan Braid

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When they were finally away from Fort Anaxes, Kanan and Hera both just left the cockpit to check on Sabine and Ezra. When they had finally reached the Common Room, they saw Sabine patching up Ezra's injured arm a little! Hera hurried over to Sabine while Kanan felt a rush of relief, seeing that Ezra was alive!

Kanan: Oh! You're okay!

Jai and Zare helped Ezra to his feet as Sabine hugged Hera, glad that they are both safe and sound! Hera handed her contact card to both Zare and Jai, wanting to help Jai and his Mother, and help Zare find his sister any way that they could!

Hera: Here... If you two ever need your help with finding Zare's sister or helping your Mother with anything, Jai... Give us a call!

Jai and Zare both smiled at each other, they'll keep in touch!

Jai: We'll keep in touch!

Zare: Yeah... I'll tell you one thing, Sabine... Your little friend is one of the greatest Rebels or the last of the Jedi that I have ever met! And don't let anyone, tell you different!

Sabine turns to see Kanan embracing Ezra, relieved that his student is okay! She smiled, knowing that Ezra won't let anyone tell him different either!

Sabine: I know...

Kanan places both his hands on Ezra's shoulders, wanting to make sure that Ezra isn't hurt anywhere else!

Kanan: Are you okay, Ezra? Are you hurt anywhere else? 

Ezra shakes his head no, confirming that he's fine!

Ezra: No... I-I'm okay!

Kanan sighs with relief, confused where Ezra learned to use the blaster part of his lightsaber before!

Kanan: Impressive shot back there! Where'd you learn to do that?

Ezra: I don't know... I never fired using the blaster part of my lightsaber before! I guess I got lucky. I may not be able to sword-fight as well as you can yet Kanan, but I can shoot!

Kanan ruffles his hair gently, Ezra continues to impress!

Kanan: Kid, you continue to impress!

Ezra: Like I asked since Sabine said the same thing to me earlier, know it all! 

Both: (Giggles)

As Kanan winks playfully at Ezra, Hera glared at Zeb and Chopper with a stern death parental glare!

Zeb: Look, Hera, I'm sorry about not checking the diagnostic. We're all sorry. Right, Chopper?

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Zeb: Anyway, we'll fix the Phantom! Don't even worry about it...

Hera: Now, why would I worry?

Zare, Sabine, and Kanan finished Hera's statement on why she should worry, showing they are still angry!

Zare: Maybe it's because...

Sabine: The last time that they said they "fixed" it...

Kanan: You, Sabine, and my own Student nearly wound up as lunch?!

Ezra rolls his eyes, seeing their point!

Ezra: Right... That's why!

Kanan helps Ezra up to his feet, before he and the girls left the room, glaring at the Lasat and the Droid! As they left, Zeb sent a silent glare at Chopper! On the way to Sabine's room, Kanan had something to show Ezra!

Kanan: Ezra, wait... I have something for you!

Ezra held up his hands in mock surrender, swearing that he didn't do whatever trouble Zeb told Kanan that he had caused this time!

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