Chapter 267

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Lu Xiaoxiao, who was suddenly yelled at, felt a bit wronged. She was the one who provoked someone, and the room number was not what he told Stephen, so why did Zhang Xu yell at her.

"I didn't tell Stephen the room number. He knocked on the wrong door just now. Believe it or not." After saying this, Lu Xiaoxiao ran back to the room.

"Brother Xu, you seem to have misunderstood Sister Xiaoxiao." Dao Master whispered beside Zhang Xu.

You don't need to say that Zhang Xu also knew that he had misunderstood the little girl just now. He felt very guilty when he thought that he had yelled at the little girl so loudly just now.

"Master Dao, can you find out which room Stephen lives in, and what capacity he is currently active in front of others."

"it is good."

After Zhang Xu sent Master Dao out the door, he went back to sit on the sofa in the house. He glanced at the little girl's room, wondering if the little girl's anger was gone.

Zhang Xu sat on the sofa for a long time and didn't hear anything from the little girl's room. He suddenly felt a little flustered. Wouldn't the little girl be yelled at by him and could not bear to do stupid things?

Lu Xiaoxiao ran back to the room from the living room. At first she felt aggrieved and angry, but after she calmed down, she thought that Zhang Xu would suddenly yell like that. She probably did it because she was worried that Stephen would be disadvantageous to her. After thinking of this, her psychological grievance disappeared all at once.

As for why she stayed in the room and didn't go out, it was naturally because she suddenly ran away with a sentence in front of Master Dao just now. It would be too embarrassing if she went out now.

"Kunkunkun...kunkunkun...The little girl opened the door, I have something to look for you."

Lu Xiaoxiao, who was lying on the bed in a daze, heard that Zhang Xu had something to do with her, but she couldn't care about the embarrassment in her heart, so she quickly got out of bed and opened the door.

Zhang Xu was relieved when he saw the little girl standing in front of him intact. It seemed that he was caring and confused just now, and the little girl was so courageous, how could he be scared when he yelled.

Lu Xiaoxiao watched Zhang Xu standing at the door of her room without speaking for a long time, so she opened her mouth and said, "What can you do with me?"

"You come to the living room with me first." Zhang Xu turned around and sat on the sofa after saying this.

Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhang Xu who was sitting on the sofa, then walked out of the room and sat down on the empty seat next to him, and then motioned to him to say something quickly with his eyes.

"Stephen is very dangerous. The mission I am performing this time has something to do with him."

After Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words, she felt a little bit in her heart. She really didn't expect that someone like Stephen would be a super-big Boos. If Stephen's acting skills were placed in the entertainment circle of the previous life, it would be the best actor.

"Then he knocked on the wrong door today on purpose. He found you?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu, looking at him.

"It should have been discovered by him. A traitor appeared among us." Zhang Xu said with a gloomy expression.

"What do you need me to do for you?"

"You don't need to do anything for the time being, but you'd better stay away from Stephen when you meet Stephen. This person is not something you can provoke. He is extremely dangerous."

"But he asked me to see the photos he took in the restaurant three days later yesterday!" Lu Xiaoxiao said, looking at Zhang Xu with innocent eyes.

After Zhang Xu heard the little girl's words, he pressed his tongue against the back molar. He really wanted to rush to Stephen's room and kill him. Seeing that he dared to ask the little girl to look at the photos.

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