Chapter 237 Solution (15)

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Everyone couldn't bear to see Zhang Xiaoling's pitiful appearance. They wondered if Chen Zhaodi and Zhang Xiaoling were really wronged?

Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhang Xiaoling and then at the people around her. It seems that everyone's heart is now biased towards Zhang Xiaoling. Sure enough, white lotus and things are so annoying no matter what era.

"Zhang Xiaoling, you said that the report has nothing to do with you, and you don't know Liu Honghong. Then why didn't Liu Honghong say that it was someone else, but that it was you two?" Lu Xiaoxiao stared at her with her clear eyes. Asked Zhang Xiaoling.

Looking at Lu Xiaoxiao's clear eyes, Zhang Xiaoling looked very unpleasant, as if the darkness in her heart couldn't hide under the gaze of those eyes.

So she said irritably: "I don't know why, maybe she is jealous that I am an intellectual from the city."

"Zhang Xiaoling, you are farting, I don’t envy you, so what if you are from the city, and now you are not digging geographically like us, and you look at your skin, and then at my skin, you Who do you think is more like the people in the city?" Liu Honghong looked at Zhang Xiaoling proudly and said.

Zhang Xiaoling was trembling with anger when she heard Liu Honghong's words. If it weren't for her surviving reason to tell her to calm down, there is no need to care about a soil bun in the country, she might rush directly to tear Liu Honghong.

"Who do you mean, see if I won't tear you." Chen Zhaodi rushed towards Liu Honghong after saying this.

Everyone looked at Chen Zhaodi, who suddenly rushed towards Liu Honghong, without responding for a long time. They stood there in a daze and watched them fight together.

"Chen Zhaodi and Liu Honghong, hurry up and stop me." The captain shouted at the two grouped together.

But how could the two people who had lost their minds in the fight listen to the captain's words, they continued to tear each other there.

"Come over a few people and separate the two of them for me." Seeing that Chen Zhaodi and Liu Honghong had stopped fighting without listening to him, the captain shouted angrily at everyone.

After hearing the captain's words, a few women rushed up and spent a lot of effort to separate the two fighting men. In the meantime, their hands were accidentally scratched.

"Chen Zhaodi, you are a fool, but you don't dare to recognize it. It's not as good as my countryman. I really look down on you." Liu Honghong spit in the direction of Chen Zhaodi and said.

"Well, who said I dare not admit it, the idea of ​​reporting was the idea that Xiaoling and I came up with. Otherwise, how could you come up with such a good way with your brains." Chen Zhaodi looked at Liu Honghong proudly. Said.

"Director Chen, Captain, have you heard that? Chen Zhaodi admitted that she and Zhang Xiaoling came up with the idea." Liu Honghong said with excitement.

After hearing Liu Honghong's words, Chen Zhaodi realized what she had just said, and his face instantly turned pale.

When Zhang Xiaoling heard Chen Zhaodi's words, she only felt five thunderstorms, her mind instantly went blank, and then she collapsed on the ground.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the scene in front of him and felt deeply that he was not afraid of opponents like gods but teammates like pigs. This Chen Zhaodi really pitted Zhang Xiaoling thoroughly.

However, if Zhang Xiaoling hadn't used Chen Zhaodi as a Mucang messenger from the beginning, she would not be so miserable for what she planted. She had to sigh: If she didn't do it, she wouldn't die.

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