Chapter 269

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"Do you know which floor and room he lives in?" Zhang Xu asked, looking at Master Dao.

"The day before yesterday he lived on the ninth floor. Yesterday he lived on the sixth floor. I don't know today."

Zhang Xu thought for a while when he heard Master Dao's words, and then he said to Master Dao: "You take a monkey and try to tap a bug at the door of every room where Stephen lives."

"Okay, I'll go now." After speaking, Master Dao got up and left.

"Wait a minute, this meal is for you, so let's go after eating it." Zhang Xu pushed a meal on the table to Master Dao.

"Brother Xu, you, my friend, I really haven't crossed it." Dao Master said to Zhang Xu after taking a bite of the meal.

"She gave you the order, not me. Zhang Xu raised his chin in Lu Xiaoxiao's direction and said.

Master Dao, who had just put a bite of rice into his mouth, heard Zhang Xu's words, and instantly felt that he was stabbed in the chest. Brother Xu, let us be kind, and the boat of friendship could not be turned over.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, thank you. Fortunately, I have this meal you ordered me, otherwise I will definitely not have the strength to work." After saying this, he looked at Zhang Xu with his eyes, as if thinking about it. Let the horse run without feeding the horse.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at this kind of master knife and found it very interesting, thinking that when she was trading with master knife in Harbin, master knife was not like this.

"Don't be poor, hurry up and finish the meal and go to work." Zhang Xu stretched out his foot and kicked Master Dao.

After sending Master Dao away, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu and asked, "You don't need to go to work?"

"My task today is to protect you. I'm afraid Stephen will be against you."

Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but laughed when she heard Zhang Xu's words. She thought that as long as Stephen dared to come, she would definitely let him experience the profoundness of Chinese Kungfu.

The next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao got up and saw Master Dao and Zhang Xu sitting on the sofa with gloomy faces, so he asked, "What happened? The colors of you two are just like this early in the morning. Look at that."

"The monkey was caught by Stephen's people." Dao said with a trembling voice.

"Didn't you only install a bug at the door of his house yesterday? How could you get caught by his people if you didn't enter the house where he lived?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked with a puzzled look.

"It wasn't that they caught me while installing the bug. The monkey and I were pitted by the bureau he set up."

"What game?"

"Yesterday when Monkey and I went to install the bug, we saw Stephen on the sixth floor alone entering his room, so the two of us stayed on the sixth floor and wanted to sneak into his house in the middle of the night. Grab a confession and ask him to tell who is the one who made the deal with him.

What I didn’t expect was that when the monkey and I sneaked into his house at two o’clock in the morning, not only did he not find him, but the person he arranged there to catch the turtle in the urn. The monkey blocked me in order to let me run out to report the letter. Two bullets let me escape safely. "

After hearing Master Dao’s words, Lu Xiaoxiao was silent for a while before she said, “Why don’t you save the monkey but sit here? Don’t you know that the later the monkey is rescued, the more dangerous it will be?”

"It's not that Brother Xu and I don't save, but Stephen has a habit. As long as he catches a hostage, he will directly kill people with cruel methods." Dao master said this and covered his face with his hands. 'S crying.

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