Chapter 369 Rescue (3)

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When Lu Xiaoxiao heard the old man’s words, she took out a purse from her pocket and handed it to the old man. She watched the old man and they took the antidote and said quietly: "This medicine can only temporarily restore your internal strength. , It's probably only one day."

After the old man took the antidote, he planned to take his brother to escape. They couldn't provoke this little demon, so it's better to flee as soon as possible.

But when they heard what the little girl said just a few steps away, he and his brothers instantly froze in an extremely strange posture.

Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the fifteen ghosts, thinking that she didn't know their plans, and she dared to use tricks under her nose to see if she didn't put them into doubt about life.

"Zhang Xu, let's go up the mountain now."


"Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu arrived in the village. When she arrived in the village, she walked towards Cai Po Po's house, because before she left, she promised Cai Po Po when she returned to the village, she would Take her away for the first time."

"Grandma Cai, I'm Lu Xiaoxiao, and I'm back." Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of Grandma Cai's house and knocked on her door.

Lu Xiaoxiao waited for a few minutes to see Granny Cai did not come to open the door, thinking that Granny Cai didn't hear her knock on the door, so she knocked harder, but Granny Cai still didn't come to open the door.

At this time, Lu Xiaoxiao realized that Mother Cai might be in an accident, so she kicked the door of Mother Cai’s house and rushed in to find Mother Cai.

A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the house. She looked at Zhang Xu with red eyes and said, "Mother Cai has something wrong, she must be because of me."

Zhang Xu looked at the little girl and took her into his arms, and then gently patted her back with his hand: "No one thought that things would turn out to be like this. It's not your fault, so you You don’t need to shoulder all the responsibilities on yourself. Now, let’s go find Mother-in-law, okay."

After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao wiped away the tears with the back of her hand, then withdrew from his embrace after a good word, and then walked towards the door.

Lu Xiaoxiao knows that now is not the time to care about who is wrong, the most important thing is to find Granny Cai.

After walking out of Cai Popo's house, Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards the village chief's house. Now, if you want to find Cai Popo the fastest, you can only find news from the village chief.

Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of the village chief's house, kicked the door open, and walked to the door of the village chief's bedroom. Just as she was about to kick the door open, the door opened directly from the inside.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Er Biao who was standing at the door of the room wearing clothes, and she asked directly, "Where is Granny Cai?"

"Lu Xiaoxiao didn't expect that you would have the courage to come back." Er Biao looked at Lu Xiaoxiao standing in front of him and said, completely ignoring what Lu Xiaoxiao had just said.

"Let me ask again where is Granny Cai?"

"I know I won't tell you." Er Biao glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao.

"Old man ghost, this person is left to you, just don't kill him." Lu Xiaoxiao said to the old man standing not far away.

"I don't..." The old man originally wanted to say that he would not do it. When he saw the little girl looking at him, he shut up immediately and walked towards Erbiao.

"Old man ghost, you betrayed the organization, aren't you afraid of being hunted down?" Er Biao shouted as he looked at the old man walking towards him.

"I don't have to worry about the village chief, now you should worry about yourself."

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