Chapter 296 Danger is Coming (2)

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"Sister Meihua, you must be more careful than before in the next period of time. I feel Liu Youcai is about to do it." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Liu Meihua and said.

"Xiao Xiao, I know, I will definitely be more careful."

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded when she heard what Liu Meihua said. Then she looked at Liu Meihua and said, "I will go back today. If I find Liu Youcai, I will tell you and Liu Shuyu. Also if you know that Liu Youcai has Remember to let me know what happens!"

"it is good."

After Lu Xiaoxiao got home, she checked that it was past eleven o'clock, so she took out a portion of fried pho from the space and ate it.

After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao sat in the yard and rested for a while, then she went back to the house and took two cakes and a pink silk scarf and walked towards the second sister's house.

"Kou Kou Kou... Kou Kou Kou... Is anyone home?" Lu Xiaoxiao shouted towards the yard after standing at the door of Ermei's house and knocking.

"Someone is home, come and open the door immediately."

After a while, the door of the second sister's house was opened. Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the person who opened the door was the second sister's mother and said, "Hello, auntie."

"Hello, hello, you are here to play with the second sister."

"Yes, auntie, is she at home?"

"At home, I will take you to find her."

Lu Xiaoxiao went to the hall with her second sister and her mother. She looked at the second sister who was writing on the kang and said, "Second sister, I'm back."

When the second younger sister who was writing heard Lu Xiaoxiao's voice, she immediately put down the pen in her hand, and then jumped off the kang to pull Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "You are finally back, and I want to die without seeing you for a long time. is you."

"Hehe... I didn't expect me to be so important in the second sister's heart!" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the second sister with a wry expression and said.

"That's not it, Xiaoxiao, you are my best friend."

"Good friend second sister, come and see the present I brought you this time." Lu Xiaoxiao passed the silk scarf in her hand to the second sister after speaking.

When the second sister saw the silk scarf Lu Xiaoxiao handed over, her eyes widened immediately, and then she spoke with uncertainty: "Xiao Xiao, is this silk scarf really a gift for me?"

"Of course it's for you. Take it with you and see if it looks good."

After the second sister carefully picked up the silk scarf and put it on her neck, she looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and asked, "Does it look good?"

Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the second sister was thinking about teasing the second sister in such a moment, so she shook her head after turning around the second sister, then she stood in front of the second sister and looked at her for a while and shook her head again. In short, she just stared at the second sister and kept shaking her head, and then she didn't say a word.

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao shook her head all the time, thinking that Lu Xiaoxiao felt that she was wearing a silk scarf too ugly to speak, so she shook her head, so she immediately reached out to take off the silk scarf she was wearing on her neck.

Lu Xiaoxiao immediately reached out to stop the second sister from taking the silk scarf off. Then she looked at the second sister and said, "Second sister, you look good on this silk scarf. If you don't believe it, you can take a basin of water and take a look."

When the second sister heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she ran to the kitchen and fetched a basin of water into the hall, and then she bent over and looked into the basin.

It took a while for the second sister to stand up and look at Lu Xiaoxiao. When she saw Lu Xiaoxiao's crooked eyebrows, she knew that she was deceived by Lu Xiaoxiao, so she immediately turned towards Lu Xiao. Xiao rushed over.

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