Chapter 291 Return (four)

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Seeing the little girl's face that I want to eat what I want to eat, Zhang Xu couldn't help but smile, and then he said: "Hurry up and eat, it won't taste good after a while."

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard what Zhang Xu said, she immediately picked up her chopsticks and started to move. She tried every dish and said to Zhang Xu: "These dishes taste as good as you said, but these four dishes My favorite among the dishes is Babao Chili Sauce. This dish is not only rich in ingredients, but also sweet and slightly spicy, which suits my taste."

"If you like to eat this dish, you can eat more, and I will bring you to eat it again when I return."

"it is good."

Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu returned to the restaurant after eating. She and Zhang Xu didn't go anywhere in the afternoon. They were in the house to sort out the things they bought today.

After Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu packed everything up, it was already past five in the afternoon. Zhang Xu picked up the phone and ordered a meal at the restaurant and looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and said: "You really decided to go back tomorrow? How many more days to play in the sea market?"

"Stop playing, I still miss it after leaving the courtyard for so many days."

"That's fine, I'll call people to buy tickets now."

"Wait, why did I forget such an important thing?" Lu Xiaoxiao patted her head and said loudly.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Xu quickly asked, "What's the matter?"

"The first four masters who came to Haishi asked me to help him get a box at No. 86 Wuxing Road, but I didn't think of it until now."

When Zhang Xu heard this, he said: "I will drive you to pick it up now."

"Wait until you finish eating."

After eating, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu came to No. 86 Wuxing Road. When Lu Xiaoxiao saw the closed door of the small house and the rusty lock, she knew that there was no one in the house, so she said: "Zhang Xu, what I want is buried under a tree inside, so now we have to turn into the yard."

"I'll go in and take it out for you, you can just wait here." Zhang Xu said after looking at the courtyard wall.

Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words and knew that he was sure that she would not be able to climb the wall of the courtyard and he would say to help her get in the box, so she said: "This courtyard wall can't help me, you forget me but I have been learning kung fu with the second master for almost a year. If you can’t even climb the wall of the courtyard, wouldn’t it be a shame for the master’s old man.”

Zhang Xu was still a little worried when he heard what the little girl said. Just when he wanted to speak and persuade him, he saw that the little girl disappeared under the courtyard wall after a run-up with a few clicks, so he immediately turned over the courtyard wall and entered. Go to the yard.

When Zhang Xu entered the yard, he saw that the next girl was digging soil under a sycamore tree, so he immediately stepped forward and took the wooden stick in the little girl's hand to take over her work.

A few minutes later, Zhang Xu took out a box wrapped in cloth from a pit and handed it to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Do you see this box?"

Lu Xiaoxiao took the box that Zhang Xu handed over and took a look and said, "It should be this box. The fourth master told me to dig the box under the sycamore tree in the small bungalow at No. 86 Wuxing Road. Now we are in him. This box was dug up where it said."

"Since the box has been obtained, let's go back to the hotel and rest. We have to catch the train tomorrow morning.

"it is good."

After returning to the hotel, Lu Xiaoxiao took out a clean cloth and wiped the dirt on the box, then put it in a big backpack.

After Lu Xiaoxiao packed the box and looked at the pile of luggage on the floor, she said goodnight to Zhang Xu and went to bed.

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