Chapter 318 Birthday Banquet Disturbance (2)

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"Zhang Yang apologizes." Zhang Xu glanced at Zhang Yang and said.

"Why should I apologize? It was me who was beaten." Zhang Yang said loudly.

"Just because Xiaoxiao her parents are martyrs, because her parents sacrificed for China, and because she is the only blood of the heroes." Zhang Xu said to Zhang Yang word by word.

Zhang Yang's face turned pale when she heard Zhang Xu's words. She knew that if someone insulted the martyrs in the current form, she would definitely not end well, but she didn't want to apologize to her wild girl who beat her.

Father Zhang saw this little daughter spoiled by him and shook his head helplessly, and then said: "Zhang Yang, if you don't apologize today, you will no longer be the daughter of my Zhang family."



Zhang Yang looked at his dad's expression and knew that today's things were not going to go away, so she glared at Lu Xiaoxiao and said sorry and ran outside the house.

When Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Yang, she knew that she didn't apologize sincerely, but she didn't expect to come to Zhang's house again in the future, so she didn't care if Zhang Yang was sincere.

Zhang Xu knew that the little girl was angry when he saw the little girl. He knew that Zhang's family was a place where people could eat people without spitting out bones. How could he bring her with his brain fever? Zhang Xu never regretted everything. For any thing he did, bringing the little girl to Zhang's family today is the one thing he regretted most in the past 16 years.

"Grandpa Ningning wishes you good luck and longevity in the East China Sea."

"Good, good, Ningning is really a good boy." The old man Zhang looked at Xie Ningning with a smile and said.

Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Old Man Zhang's smile, and then recalled the smile he had just faced her. Lu Xiaoxiao sneered in her heart. As expected, everyone in the big family was acting.

"Grandpa, this is the tea Ningning got after spending a lot of energy, and I will give it to you." Zhang Ningning handed the tea leaves in his hand to Mr. Zhang and said.

Elder Zhang took the tea and said, "Ningning is interested."

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Ningning's words, she couldn't help but laughed in her heart. It was really a waste of a lot of energy, otherwise, how could she knock her away.

"Your name is Lu Xiaoxiao, right? Since you are also attending my grandfather's birthday banquet today, hurry up and take out the gift you prepared." Zhang Ningning said, looking at Lu Xiaoxiao with a happy face.

As soon as Zhang Xu wanted to speak, he felt the little girl pull down his sleeve, so he swallowed the words that had reached his mouth back into his stomach.

"Old man Zhang, this is the person I dug up on the mountain. I don't know if you don't like this gift." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, he took out a concocted centuries-old man from his bag and handed it to Mr. Zhang. .

Everyone was envious when seeing the 100-year-old ginseng in the hands of Mr. Zhang. You must know that 100-year-old ginseng can be used for hanging.

"Xiao Xiao, I like the gift you gave me very much." After Mr. Zhang said this, he talked to the person standing next to him.

Zhang Xu was very dissatisfied with the look of the old man, but today was his birthday, he could not refute his face, so he could only wrong the little girl.

After Lu Xiaoxiao gave the birthday gift, she stood silently, and only after someone called Zhang Xu away did she withdraw from the hall when everyone did not notice her.

After Lu Xiaoxiao walked to the small house, she turned her head and looked back, then she sneered in her heart and left the compound.

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