Chapter 341 Unexpected Disaster (6)

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When Mr. Zhang heard Zhang Xu's words, he pressed his lips angrily, and then said: "She must hate you to avoid you, so you don't have to rush to post her."

After Zhang Xu heard his grandfather's words, he sneered in his heart before he said: "If it's like what grandpa said, then I have to go to her and ask her why."

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he used Qiao Jin to free himself from the hand held by the old man, and then chased in the direction where Lu Xiaoxiao had left without looking back.

Elder Zhang watched Zhang Xu leave his back and clenched his fists angrily. He really did not expect that little girl was so important in Zhang Xu's heart. It seems that it is not enough to let that little girl leave Zhang Xu now. The people over there must be notified, and if necessary, the little girl will be solved directly.

Zhang Xu ran for a while and saw the little girl waiting for him at the top of the stairs on the third floor, so he immediately walked towards her.

"Does your shoulder hurt?" Zhang Xu asked immediately when he reached the little girl.

"It must hurt. Don't you know how hard you just grabbed my shoulder." Lu Xiaoxiao said after giving Zhang Xu a white glance.

"Then I..."

Lu Xiaoxiao watched Zhang Xu leaning towards him, and immediately jumped to the side with his arms crossed on his shoulders, and then looked at Zhang Xu with vigilant eyes and said: "Then what about you, I tell you that you can kill and not be insulted. If you dare to fight What I do I will fight with you."

Zhang Xu was stupefied by the little girl's operation. He just wanted to send his shoulder to the little girl and let her pinch it back, but she had made up something in her mind. It was not humiliating to kill a soldier, could it be...

Zhang Xu coughed a little uncomfortably, thinking that it might be the reason, and then said: "What I just wanted to say is that I will let you pinch it back."

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard what Zhang Xu said, the surrounding air was full of embarrassment. Her feelings were just too much for her brain, so she said how Zhang Xu might be interested in her bean sprouts.

"Haha... you don't need to pinch it back, just pay attention to it later." Lu Xiaoxiao smiled stiffly at Zhang Xu and said.


After listening to Zhang Xu’s answer, Lu Xiaoxiao checked the time, and then said: “Now we are out of the department store. Remember to hold my wrist tightly and not let go until you see your grandpa. ."


"When I see your grandpa, I will let you go into the department store and buy me a pound of sweets. Remember to buy more to eat. In short, you have to show your favor to me."


"Then let's go out now." Lu Xiaoxiao reached out to Zhang Xu after speaking.

Zhang Xu stretched out his hand to hold the wrist of the little girl and led her to walk downstairs. When they walked out of the department store, they saw Mr. Zhang standing at the gate, so the two immediately started acting as they had said before.

"Zhang Xu, let me go." Lu Xiaoxiao said as she broke free from the wrist held by Zhang Xu.

"If you don't tell me why you keep avoiding me, I won't let you go." Zhang Xu squeezed Lu Xiaoxiao's hand even harder after saying this.

Lu Xiaoxiao saw the old man Zhang standing at the door of the department store and immediately said: "Old man Zhang, please quickly persuade Zhang Xu to let him let me go, my hand is almost hurt by him."

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