Chapter 361 Plan (2)

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Lu Xiaoxiao saw the monkey and they had found a place to sit down, so she also found a place to sit down.

Lu Xiaoxiao waited for Zhang Xu to sit down and asked them, "How much do you know about the Blood Fiend Organization?"

Zhang Xu and Monkey looked at her in surprise when they heard Lu Xiaoxiao say the name. It took a while before Zhang Xu spoke: "How do you know that organization is called Blood Fiend?"

"Ms. Cai in the village told me."

When the monkey heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, he asked suspiciously, "Didn't you get tied up to the mountain? How could the mother-in-law in the village tell you about the blood evil spirit."

"The top of that mountain is concave, and there is a village controlled by the blood evil spirit. I was tied to that village by the blood evil people."

Zhang Xu and Monkey were shocked when they heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. They never thought that there was a village hidden in the Zhangqi Mountain, or a village controlled by the blood evil spirit.

"Did my grandfather let the blood evil people tie you?" Zhang Xu asked, looking at Lu Xiaoxiao.

"Not just your grandfather, but also people from Chen Xuexue." Lu Xiaoxiao said after taking a look at Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu's face became cold when he heard the little girl's words. He knew that the little girl would be kidnapped this time because of him.

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the monkeys secretly glanced at Zhang Xu and lowered their heads tacitly. At this time, they didn't dare to speak, for fear that they would accidentally harm Chi Yu.

Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhang Xu and then at the monkeys and the others, and then chuckled and laughed. After she had laughed enough, she said, "You don’t need to do this. I deliberately let them take me away. If I If they don't want to be caught, the two of them won't even have a chance to touch the corner of my clothes."

Zhang Xu's face became even darker when she heard the little girl's words. She knew that the little girl was so courageous, but she did not expect her to be so courageous. It seems that she must find time to give her a good education class, otherwise Sooner or later, something will happen to the little girl.

Lu Xiaoxiao still didn't know that she had been targeted by someone, if she knew it, she wouldn't show this smug smile.

"What happened after you were caught in that village?" The monkey asked Lu Xiaoxiao curiously.

Lu Xiaoxiao was silent for a while after hearing what the monkey said, and then she spoke up all the things that happened in the village where she was caught.

Everyone in the room except Zhang Xu widened their eyes when they heard what Lu Xiaoxiao said. Obviously, what Lu Xiaoxiao said had exceeded their cognition, and they didn't know how to describe their feelings at the moment.

Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the expressions of Zhang Xu and the monkey and said: "I told you these things today because there are still people in that village waiting for me to rescue them, but I want to save them successfully. My strength alone is definitely not enough, so I need your help."

Zhang Xu heard what the little girl said: "How do you want us to help you?"

"I want you to find hundreds of skilled people to join me in the mountains to rescue people." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu and said.

After hearing the little girl's words, Zhang Xu pondered for a while and said, "There is no problem with people, but there is a barrier on the side of the mountain, and we can't get up even if there are more people."

After hearing what Zhang Xu said, Lu Xiaoxiao spoke to him: "Guess how I ran down the mountain through that barrier, and it was intact."

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