Chapter 316 Shameless Person (3)

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After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao felt particularly annoyed when she thought of the bad things in the morning, so she wrote a note and put it at the front desk, telling them that if someone came to her, just give it to that person.

After Lu Xiaoxiao left the state-run hotel, she began to stroll around aimlessly on the street. She looked at the people coming and going on the street and was obviously lower-key than the one she wore a year ago. It seems that the situation in Beijing is real. Is very severe.

After strolling around, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the Moscow restaurant, so she opened the door and walked in.

As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao found a place to sit down, a waiter came over to order. After looking at the menu, she ordered red cabbage soup, tinned beef and bread. These three dishes cost a total of four eight cents. .

Five minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao's food was delivered. She first took a sip of red vegetable soup, which tasted sweet and sour, which was quite in line with her appetite.

Lu Xiaoxiao put down the spoon after drinking the red cabbage soup, then she took the fork and took a bite of the beef into her mouth. It was rich in flavor and melted in the mouth-delicious.

After half an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao finished the three dishes she ordered and left the Moscow restaurant. She felt a little distended belly and planned to stroll around in the department store.

When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the department store, she went directly to the second floor. She wanted to see if there were any suitable gifts for the elderly to spend his birthday. After all, she had promised Zhang Xu to go with him to his grandfather's birthday.

After walking around on the second floor, Lu Xiaoxiao found that she finally found something suitable for the elderly to spend his life. She just wanted to ask the salesperson to show it to her, but she didn’t wait for her to speak. It was pushed aside by two girls.

"Comrade, please wrap up the two cans of tea on the shelf, I will take it." The girl who squeezed Lu Xiaoxiao away looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and said to the salesperson.

When Lu Xiaoxiao saw the girl, she knew that she was deliberately looking for faults, but today she was too full to care about that girl, so she walked towards the door of the department store.

Out of the department store, Lu Xiaoxiao walked on the street for a while and felt that her stomach was not so full, she walked towards the state-owned hotel.

After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the State-owned Hotel, she went to the front desk and asked if anyone had come to her. The front desk staff said that they took the note back without her, and then she walked to the previously reserved room.

Back to the room, Lu Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa thinking about what to give to Zhang Xu’s grandfather tomorrow. After more than an hour passed, she still didn’t think of what to give. It seemed that she had to borrow the bag tomorrow to see what everyone gave. The cover found something similar from the space and sent it.

At 8 o'clock the next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao entered the space and finished breakfast and changed into a more festive dress before leaving the space. She checked the time and estimated that Zhang Xu was already downstairs, so she went out of the room to face the building. Go down.

Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the state-owned hotel and saw Zhang Xu getting off a car, so she stepped forward and said, "It seems that we have a good heart."

Zhang Xu laughed when he heard the little girl's words, and then helped her open the passenger seat door of the car, let her sit on it, and then closed the door, before he sat back in the driver's seat again.

"Zhang Xu, don't you like jeeps? Why did you drive a car today?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu in confusion.

"Today's occasion is more suitable for driving a car."

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words, he immediately understood what he meant. It seems that no matter what era, the rules of the giants are numerous.

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