Chapter 243 Revenge (6)

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"Little girl, what are you doing to the sea market?" General Xie asked.

"Second master, I just want to go to the sea market to play, there is nothing to do."

"It's too dangerous for you to go out alone, and it's noisy outside now, so you'd better not go."

"Second master, don't worry, I am going with Zhang Xu this time, so there will be no danger."

"Since you have decided, the second master will no longer advise you. Anyway, go out carefully."

"I know."

"Girl Xiao, can you help Master Four with one thing when you go to the sea market this time."

"Four masters, please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will do it for you."

"Girl Xiao, if you have time when you go to Haishi this time, go to the small house at No. 86 Wuxing Road. The master buried a box under the sycamore tree on the east side of the house. Inside are your master's relics."

"Master four, don't worry, I will definitely help you get the box back."

"Everything must be based on your safety. If you go to get the box, it will bring you danger. Master would rather not have that box."

"I know, but is that small bungalow live in now?"

"I don't know, that house belongs to your wife. Before the master was sent here, the house was still unoccupied. I just don't know how it is now.

However, the title deed to that house is with the master, and it doesn't matter if someone lives now, as long as the title deed is in that house, it will always belong to the master. "

"That's good, but no matter whether there are people living in that house, I will help the master inquire about the current situation of the house."

"Master Xiao, thank you in advance." Professor Wang said in a choked voice.

"Master, Master Three, is there anything you want Xiaoxiao to help you?"

"No, as long as you come back safely, the master is happy." Fan Lao said after a sip of tea.

"Fan Lao is right, as long as Xiao Xiaoyou are safe, we will be happy." Professor Zhang also agreed.

"Masters, don't worry, I will definitely come back safely, and I will bring you a lot of delicious food."

"Don't spend money indiscriminately. The masters don't lack that stutterer. You can buy yourself more food and clothing. The little girl still needs to be raised delicately, so that it is not easy to be fooled by someone with a little good stuff. "General Xie said with a serious face, as if Lu Xiaoxiao had been deceived with a little advantage.

Lu Xiaoxiao was particularly speechless when he heard General Xie's words. Is she the kind of person who would be deceived by some good stuff?

"Masters are already late, I will go home first, and you guys will rest earlier."

After cutting the hogweed the next day, I checked that the time was half past ten, so I went back to the house to change a clean suit and walked towards the captain's house.

"Aunt Cauliflower, picking vegetables."

"Xiao Xiao, why are you here, stop standing at the door, come in and sit down."

Entering the room, Aunt Cauliflower poured a glass of water for Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, what's the matter with you?"

"I just came to see if Uncle came back. I want to open a letter of introduction to Haishi."

"Your uncle came back early in the morning and is now sleeping in the house. He said he didn't sleep all night last night, and he didn't know what was going on. I asked him and didn't say anything."

"Since Uncle is sleeping, I will go home first, and I will come back this afternoon."

"You don't need to go back. I have dinner at my aunt's house at noon. You haven't come to my aunt's house for a long time. You can't refuse this time."

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