Chapter 339 Unexpected Disaster (4)

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After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the hotel, he first took a shower, and then went into the space to make medicine. Recently, too many people have seen her not pleasing to the eye, and those people are all high-ranking. If she is not ready to play the cards , I'm really afraid that it will capsize in the gutter.

The next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao stuck her head out of the quilt. She saw that it was more than 11 o'clock noon, and she immediately got up from the bed.

Lu Xiaoxiao was in the bathroom while washing and thinking that she blamed her for not paying attention to the time when she was taking medicine yesterday, and she didn't go to bed until four o'clock in the morning, which led to oversleeping today, but fortunately, she didn't sleep until two o'clock in the afternoon, otherwise she missed it. It's an agreement with Zhang Xu.

After washing, Lu Xiaoxiao changed into light clothes, then put a small bag on his back, took the key and went out.

Lu Xiaoxiao came to the state-owned restaurant and saw the menu posted on the window. The variety was obviously much less than when she came last year. She thought about it for a while and ordered a dumpling filled with vegetarian vegetables. She originally wanted to order meat. It's stuffed, but unfortunately not.

After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the state-run restaurant. She saw the time only after twelve o'clock, more than an hour before the time she and Zhang Xu agreed, so she walked towards the small courtyard.

Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of the small courtyard and was about to take out the key to open the door of the courtyard. When she heard someone calling her behind her, she turned her head and looked back.

After turning her head, Lu Xiaoxiao saw a woman who was about 30 years old standing there smiling at her, so she immediately turned around and looked at the woman and asked, "Auntie, did you call me just now? ?"

Yuan Yuan nodded when he heard the little girl's words, and then said: "My name is Yuan Yuan and I live across from your house."

"Hello, Auntie Yuan, my name is Lu Xiaoxiao, is there anything you call me?"

"I want to ask if you still leave this house empty in the future?"

"No, I plan to rent it out"

Yuanyuan's eyes lit up when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. Then she looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "Can you rent this house to me?"

Lu Xiaoxiao was puzzled when she heard Yuan Yuan's words. She didn't have a house why she wanted to rent her, so she asked: "Yuan Yuan, don't you have a house? Why do you want to rent my house."

Yuan Yuan immediately replied after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words: "I helped my natal brother rent it. Did my elder brother find a job in a factory in Beijing last month? Their family plans to move from the village to the city. Come live, because my elder brother has just started working and the factory will not give him a house, so they want to rent a house."

Lu Xiaoxiao heard Yuan Yuan’s words and thought about it for a while before she said: "Aunt Yuan, I want to see your maiden brother and his family before I can decide whether to rent the house to them."

Yuanyuan was puzzled when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. She didn't understand why she wanted to see the tenant's family in renting a house. However, when she was confused, she agreed. Anyway, her elder brother and his family are all good, otherwise she won't help. They are looking for a house, or looking for the opposite of her house.

"Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, I will come to the courtyard. Aunt Yuan can bring your eldest brother and her family over at that time."

"it is good."

After Lu Xiaoxiao and Yuan Yuan made an appointment, they opened the door of the small courtyard and walked in. She walked around the house and sighed when she saw the ruined and unconventional house, and then locked the courtyard. The door walked towards the department store.

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