Chapter 223

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After I got home and drank a glass of water, I sat on the kang and thought through all the things that happened at Shaiguchang in the afternoon. It seemed that it was not so easy to find the person who reported it.

Wait... Why didn't you think of it before? Today, Director Chen only said that someone made a report, but he didn't say whether the report was made by letter or someone directly reported to him. So as long as you call this breakthrough from Director Chen, don't you know who the report is.

It seems that the next time Director Chen comes here, he will get close to him. Let's go to the second sister's house now. I should have gone yesterday, but I didn't expect so many things to happen.

When I came to the door of Ermei's house, she was relieved to see her house in good condition, so she reached out and knocked on the door of Ermei's house.

Soon the door was opened. It was the fourth sister who came to open the door. She immediately ran towards the house after taking a look at herself. She yelled as she ran, "Big sister, Sister Xiaoxiao came to our house, you come out quickly what."

The second sister who was making shoes in the house heard what the fourth sister said, and immediately put down her hand and lived out of the house. She immediately walked forward happily after seeing the people standing in the yard: "Xiao Xiao, how come you? Up."

"It's not that it has been raining for many days, just come and see if you are afraid of something at home."

"Xiao Xiao, I'm a little bit afraid when you talk about it. If my dad hadn't rebuilt the roof two days before the rainstorm, I'm afraid our house would have been collapsed by the rainstorm."

"It's fine for nothing now. If the team is messy these days, you'd better stay home and don't go out. Wait a few days before going out."

"Xiao Xiao, has something happened in the team?"

Seeing the second sister's curious look, she said, "What can happen? It's not that the houses of many people in the team have been destroyed by heavy rain. Everyone is busy repairing houses, so it's messy everywhere."

"Xiao Xiao, I know, I will wait until school starts before I go out."

"Well, then I will go home first."

After coming back from the second sister's house, I saw that it was time for dinner. After a day of tossing today, I was not in the mood to cook, so I took out two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge from the space, and simply dealt with it.

After dinner, I thought that the food from the masters should have been eaten, and some of it must be sent to them in a while. By the way, let’s take a look at how the group of people in the educated youth college is now.

When they arrived at the cowshed at nine o'clock in the evening, the masters had already turned off the lights, and knocked on the door a few times with their hands, and the second master opened the door.

When I came to the room, I saw the masters sitting on stools drinking tea, so they curiously said: "Masters, why don't you light up the kerosene lamp? How do you drink tea in such a dark darkness?"

"Hey...I'm so upset when Miss Xiao talks about this. Do you know the group of educated youths who live in the pig farm? Since they lived in the pig farm, there hasn't been a peaceful day." General Xie said angrily. Tao.

"Second master, why don't I understand what you said? What does their living in a pig farm have to do with you?"

"Originally it didn’t matter, but you didn’t know that one of their group was named Chen Zhaodi. Since she lived here, she has come to us every day to find faults, saying that she wants to supervise the work of these people on behalf of the organization, and then pay All kinds of blind orders, if we don't follow her requirements, she will report us to the director named Chen. Now we don't even dare to light a kerosene lamp, for fear that she will see it again. "

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