Chapter 213 Rainstorm Strikes (7)

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"Captain, I remember that there is a room for hogweed next to the pigsty in our team?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think about it."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's conversation with the captain, the educated youth institute suddenly had a very ominous premonition for some reason.

"Let's go, I will take you to where you live now." The captain said to everyone in the Educated Youth Academy.

After hearing the captain's words, Chen Zhaodi said: "Captain, didn't you live at Lu Xiaoxiao's house? Where are you taking us?"

"You just heard Lu Zhiqing say that her home is too small to live with all of you, so now I take you to a place where you can live all of you."

"Captain, aren't you going to take us to the pigsty Lu Zhiqing just mentioned." Zhang Xiaoling asked with a trembling voice.

"Zhang Zhiqing, let me correct what you said, not to let you live in the pigpen, but to live in the house next to the pigpen." The captain said with a serious face.

Chen Zhaodi was stunned when he heard the word "pigsty". It took a while before she came back to her senses, and then immediately pointed her finger at Lu Xiaoxiao and cursed: "Well, you're a black heart. Ah, even if the house is not lent to us, you still dare to wipe the captain and let us live with the pig. How can your heart be so vicious."

"Chen Zhiqing, didn't you hear what the captain said just now? He asked you to live in the house next to the pigsty instead of letting you live in the pigsty."

"What's the difference? The left and right are not always with the pig." Chen Zhaodi roared.

"Chen Zhiqing, I think you should obey the organization's arrangements. You see, the rain is getting bigger and bigger. I'm afraid your body will not be able to hold it.

And I think the house next to the pigpen is really good. It is a brick house just like the educated youth home you live in. "

"Since you think the house is good, we will let you live in it. The house you live in is just right for us to live in." Chen Zhaodi said with bright eyes.

Heh... what Chen Zhaodi thought was pretty beautiful.

"Chen Zhiqing, the brick house in the pigpen is only suitable for intellectuals like you with a high level of consciousness. As for living in a thatched house like me, it is very satisfying."

"Lu Xiaoxiao, you..."

Seeing Chen Zhaodi talking again, he interrupted her and said to the captain: "Captain, you see that the rain is getting heavier now. You should take them to the pigsty earlier. I am worried that you will get sick if you get too much rain. , I was talking to you here for a while, and I felt trembling with cold."

When the captain heard this, he immediately said: "Then you go into the house quickly, lest you get sick from the cold."

"Okay, then I will enter the house." After saying this, he snapped the door shut, completely ignoring the group of people in the Educated Youth Academy.

I rubbed my frozen cheeks with my hands. When I was about to go back to the main room, I suddenly thought that the method just now was too cheap for the group of people in the Educated Youth Institute, so I immediately turned around and opened the door of the yard, and then pointed at the still The group of people who walked farther yelled, "I wish you a good time with your good neighbor—the pig."

After hearing this, the captain shook his head helplessly, thinking that Xiao Xiao, this girl, really couldn't suffer any loss.

When Chen Zhaodi heard this, she exploded directly. When she just wanted to lift her foot and run back to find Lu Xiaoxiao to settle the accounts, she heard the captain say: "If you continue to make trouble like this, go find a place to live by yourself. I don't care about you anymore."

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