Chapter 205 Yam (eight)

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After the radish stewed lamb is heated, put it in the hall, and plan to cook a pot of yam porridge, which will be eaten with meat buns and pickled cucumber for a while. It is best for the chefs to eat this way at night without accumulating food .

"Sister, are you at home?"

As soon as I put the rice in the pot, I heard Zhang Xu's voice from the courtyard, so I covered the pot and walked towards the courtyard.

"Why did you come so late today? I helped you heat up the lamb and put it in the hall, and when I took it, I hurried away. After a while, my master came and found that you were not good."

Zhang Xu's face went dark when he heard this, and he spoke in a dangerous tone: "I'm so shameless?"

"You really don't see anyone."

After hearing this, Zhang Xu suddenly felt bored, but he still asked with a cold face, "Where can I see people?"

"Didn't you say that your training here is confidential and cannot be discovered, so you don't see anyone anywhere."

Zhang Xu was stunned after hearing the words. It seemed that he had said before. The feelings just now, the little girl didn't understand the meaning of what he asked, so his anger just now was in vain?

Watching the little girl enter the hall, she immediately raised her heel, and then handed her the apple in her hand and said: "This is the apple I found at the place where I was training. Although it is not big and looks good, it is crispy and sweet. So I brought some for you to taste. If you like to eat, I will bring more when I come next time."

I took an apple from Zhang Xu, took one to the kitchen, washed it, and took a bite. Uh... The apple is indeed crispy and sweet as Zhang Xu said, but I don’t know if it’s the geographical reason or the apple’s small size. The reason for this is that the moisture in the apple is particularly low, so the taste is really not very good.

But in this era, it would be nice to have apples to eat. How could there be so much pickiness, so I said something to Zhang Xu, which is not bad.

"Then I will bring some more next time. I will take the lamb now, and the monkey is still waiting for me outside the courtyard wall."

"Let's go, I guess your subordinates called Monkey are waiting in a hurry."

Heh... the monkey waiting under the courtyard wall is not at all anxious. He wants the boss to eat tender grass in it for a while, so that the boss is in a good mood and training them shouldn’t be so cruel, right?

If Zhang Xu knew what was in the monkey's heart, he would probably give him a kick and say: "The better I am in the mood, the more cruel I will be to train you, otherwise how to vent my inner passion."

After sending Zhang Xu away, I went to the kitchen to peel the yam and cut it into small pieces, then opened the lid and poured the yam into the porridge, stirred with a spatula a few times and covered the lid to continue cooking.

While cooking the porridge, I took a plate from the cupboard, then went to the kang cabinet in the main room and brought out the pickled cucumbers that had been marinated before. Chop a plate with chopsticks, then took out ten meat buns from the space and put them on the plate. , When the porridge in the pot is cooked, today's dinner is ready.

Kou Kou Kou... Kou Kou Kou... The door of the yard was knocked, and you don't need to think that it was the master who came, so they immediately ran out of the hall to open the door.

As soon as the door opened and saw the yam carried on the shoulders of the masters, he immediately moved sideways to avert his position and said: "Master, come in quickly, put the yam in the yard first, and sit and rest for a while."

Fan Lao and the others walked into the yard after hearing what Xiao Yatou said, carefully took the yam off their shoulders and put them on the ground, and walked into the hall together.

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