Chapter 275

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When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words, the embarrassment on her face disappeared. She looked at Zhang Xu and said, "Thank you."

"What happened to you and Stephen in the Old Town Hall today? It looks like you were tired when you came back."

"Don't mention it, that Stephen is just talkative. On the way back from the old city car, he sat next to me and kept talking about Barabara. I was tired of his reading."

"He didn't do anything else to you, did he?"

"That's not true. I set off from the Peace Hotel together with him, a tour guide and an interpreter. When we arrived at the Old Town, I separated from him to play. We didn't ride back to the hotel together until 5:30 in the evening."

"Does Stephen have any other time to meet or play with you?"

"He didn't ask me. I asked him to meet at the restaurant at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I asked him to give me a copy of the photos he took today."

Zhang Xu clenched his fists when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. After a while, he said: "Today you have been tired for a day. Let's go and rest. I have something to go out."

"it is good."

After Lu Xiaoxiao watched Zhang Xu leave, she went back to sleep in the house. She had to nurture enough energy to accompany Stephen on the show tomorrow.

At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Lu Xiaoxiao showed up at the restaurant on time. She saw Stephen sitting by the window and stepped forward to say hello: "Good afternoon, Mr. Stephen."

"Good afternoon little fairy, what would you like to drink?"

"Thanks a glass of boiled water."

"This is the photo I took in the Old City Chamber yesterday. Little fairy, please take a look at how it was taken?" Stephen passed the photo to Lu Xiaoxiao after speaking.

Lu Xiaoxiao took the photos that Stephen handed over and began to look through it. I have to say that Stephen's camera skills are really good. Not only did he choose the angle of each photo, but also the composition.

"Mr. Stephen, you took a beautiful picture of the old town." Lu Xiaoxiao said this sentence from the heart.

"Little angel, I'm very happy that you can like the photos I took, but I'm going back to my hometown soon and can't go out to take pictures with you." Stephen looked at Lu Xiaoxiao regretfully.

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Stephen say that she was going home, she shook her heart, wondering if Stephen had already got the drawings?

"Mr. Stephen, when are you leaving?"

"The day after tomorrow afternoon."

"Mr. Stephen, in order to thank you for giving me so many beautiful photos, I would like to invite you to a small shop that I like very much for breakfast tomorrow. I wonder if you would like it?"

"I'm very willing." Stephen said with a big smile.

"Then we will meet at the entrance of the hotel at eight tomorrow morning."

"I will definitely be there on time."

Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the room after leaving the restaurant. He saw Master Dao sitting on the sofa and asked, "Where has Zhang Xu gone."

"Brother Xu said he needs to go out if he has something to do. Let me wait for him here.

"Master Dao, please tell Zhang Xu when he comes back, I'm looking for him tonight, so he won't rush out."

"it is good."

After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the room, she took out the photo Stephen had given her and looked at it again. She was unable to read the photo carefully just now to deal with Stephen in the restaurant.

Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao sat in the middle of a bunch of photos. She looked at the two photos in her hand and clenched her fists. If she hadn't told her rationally not to move lightly, she really wanted to rush out and give someone directly. It turned out.

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