Chapter 308

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When the three people in the room heard General Xie's shameless remarks, they didn't bother to talk to him anymore. Only Lu Xiaoxiao said: "The second master we are originally a family."

When General Xie heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, his face immediately turned into a chrysanthemum. The three people in the room twitched their mouths when they saw him like that. They couldn't help but think if General Xie knew that Xiaoyao had just been there The meaning of the sentence, I don't know if he is still smiling.

"Girl Xiao, where did you go to the sea market this time?" Fan Lao looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and asked.

"I went to Laochengxiang, Haishi No.1 Department Store, Overseas Chinese Store, Flea Market and Old Restaurant."

When Professor Wang heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, he smiled and said: "Little girl is really a little baby, and she sells food and clothes everywhere she goes."

Lu Xiaoxiao snorted twice when she heard Professor Wang's words. She wanted to tell her all her experience in Haishi. It is estimated that the master and the others would no longer treat her as a baby.

"I'm only nine years old this year, of course I like to go to places that sell food and clothing." Lu Xiaoxiao raised her chin and said to the people in the room.

"Well, it's the best place for our Xiao girl to go to those places now." Fan Lao immediately agreed with Lu Xiaoxiao's arrogant little appearance.

After Lu Xiaoxiao talked with the four masters for nearly an hour, she looked at the four masters in the room and said: "Masters, the weather is getting colder now. I will prepare the clothes, shoes and quilts tomorrow. Bring it over for you."

Fan Lao and the others were taken aback when they heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but they quickly reacted and said, "Thank you Xiao Xiao."

After Lu Xiaoxiao got out of the cowshed, a cold wind blew towards her. She rubbed her arms with her hands and quickly walked towards the house.

At around nine o’clock the next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao went to mow pigweed with a basket on her back after eating breakfast. When she came to the foot of the mountain, she saw that the second sister was already cutting pigweed there, so she ran forward and called. After a sound, the second sister began to mow the pigweed.

"Xiaoxiao, why did you come so late today?" The second sister asked Lu Xiaoxiao while cutting the pig grass.

"The weather is too cold and I don't want to get out of the bed, so I came so late."

"The weather now is much colder than the previous few days. I feel a little bit cold when I sit in the classroom."

"Second sister, do you know when the final exam is at school?"

"I don't know yet, the teacher hasn't notified me, but it used to be one month before the new year."

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded when she heard the second sister's words, and then she didn't speak any more, because the wind at the foot of the mountain was too strong, and she felt that every time she opened her mouth, something flew into her mouth.

After Lu Xiaoxiao and her second sister went to the pig farm to hand in the pig grass, she went home. After returning home, Lu Xiaoxiao heard the door of the courtyard knocked after drinking a glass of water, so she quickly put down the cup in her hand. Go open the door.

Lu Xiaoxiao opened the courtyard door and saw that the person standing at the door was Liu Meihua, so she immediately let Liu Meihua come in and talk.

Entering the room, Lu Xiaoxiao poured a glass of water for Liu Meihua and said: "Sister Meihua, is there anything you came to see me today?"

Liu Meihua took the water that Lu Xiaoxiao handed over and took a sip and said, "I came today to tell you that Liu Youcai and Liu Honghong are miserable."

"What sentence have they been sentenced to?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Liu Meihua, looking at her.

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