Chapter 323

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Zhang Xu left the hall and walked towards the garage. He would choose to leave at this time not only because he didn't want to deal with the group of people who were pregnant, but also because he wanted to help the little girl solve the yard.

Lu Xiaoxiao was depressed after being interrupted by Zhang Xu. She felt that the advice she gave to Zhang Xu just now was very in line with the current situation and in line with him. Why did Zhang Xu not listen to her and finish her sentence?

Hey...she should continue to watch her zombie siege and eat potato chips.

At around five o'clock in the evening, when Lu Xiaoxiao was about to take food from the space, she heard that the door of the room was knocked on, so she went to the door of the room and opened it.

"Zhang Xu, why are you here?" Lu Xiaoxiao opened the door and saw Zhang Xu standing outside, so she asked.

"On the train, I promised to take you to eat roast duck. In the afternoon, I have already set a spot. I will take you there now."

Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed with excitement when she heard Zhang Xu's words. Roast duck can be said to be one of her favorite foods. Before coming here, she packed forty roast ducks and put them in the space. Now there are only two in the space. There were fifteen. She would have to struggle for a long time when she wanted to eat before taking one out to eat. She was afraid that it would be gone.

Isn’t she excited to hear that Zhang Xu is going to take her to eat roast duck? She decided not only to eat with Zhang Xu today, but also to find out if she can pack it. If possible, she will pretend to change her image and buy it. Ten of them are placed in the space, so that she can eat it when she wants to eat it when she returns to the village.

"Then let's go quickly." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu and said

"it is good."

Lu Xiaoxiao entered the house and took the key and bag, then closed the door and went downstairs with Zhang Xu.

After getting into the car, Lu Xiaoxiao said, "Did the Zhang family find your ballast when you went back?"


"Tsk tusk tusk... As expected, they will attack you as soon as you go home. This is the case with big families. In the face of interests, family affection is as thin as a piece of paper."

Zhang Xu was a little surprised when he heard what the little girl said. He remembered that the little girl's family was very ordinary, but what she said just now sounded as if she had always lived in a big family.

"How do you know it will be like that in a big family?" Zhang Xu asked directly.

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words, her heart was not good. How could she forget that she is no longer the eldest lady, so it is impossible for her to say what she said before.

"Haha... I saw it from the book.?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu and replied.

"Oh~ Really, in which book you saw it, lend me that book another day, and I'm also easy to learn how the people in it deal with people with ghosts."

"Hehe...I forgot what I saw on it, and I won't know until I go home and look for it."

"it is good."

When Lu Xiaoxiao saw that this incident had temporarily passed, she was finally relieved. It seems that she should be more careful when speaking in the future, otherwise she will fall off again.

"I went to the Public Security Bureau this afternoon. The people in the bureau said that things will come to an end tomorrow, so I will pick you up to the Public Security Bureau tomorrow morning.

"it is good."

Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Xu stopped the car as soon as she finished speaking. She originally wanted to ask Zhang Xu why she stopped the car. When she looked up and saw Quanjude, she knew that Zhang Xu stopped because of The place is here.

"Get out of the car, the place is here."

"it is good."

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