Chapter 352 Strange Village (4)

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"Kun Kou Kou... Kou Kou Kou..." Zhang Xu knocked on the door several times and there was no response in the room. He saw that the time was 9:30 in the morning. The little girl should have gotten up at this time. Now she Did not come to open the door, it seems that he has already left.

Zhang Xu stood at the door of the little girl's room for a long time before going downstairs. I don't know why he was a little flustered today. He always felt that something was going to happen.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Xu came to the door of the little girl's room and knocked again. There was still no movement in the room. At this time, he had a hunch that the little girl must have something wrong.

So he immediately went downstairs, then took out his credentials and asked the person at the front desk to go upstairs with him and open the door to the room where the little girl lived.

As soon as the door was opened, Zhang Xu rushed into the room. He searched inside and out without seeing the little girl. He finally understood why he was flustered in the morning.

So he immediately left the state-owned hotel and drove towards the base.

Zhang Xu came to the base and immediately ordered the intelligence network department to start looking for the little girl, while he himself sat on the sofa and closed his eyes to calm his emotions.

After Lu Xiaoxiao saw Xiao Biao riding a lap of the horse, she spoke to him, "Xiao Biao, come over and sit down for a while."

When Xiao Biao heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, he immediately got off Xie Min and the others, and then ran to the stool beside Lu Xiaoxiao to sit and rest.

Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Xiao Biao who was resting beside her, then at Xie Min who was lying on the ground, and then asked Xiao Biao, "Xiao Biao, are you still riding a horse in a while."

"Stop riding."

"Since you are not riding anymore, can you let them get up first."


When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Xiao Biao's words, she spoke to Xie Min and the others: "Xiao Biao said you can get up."

Xie Min and the others got up from the ground when they heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. When they got up, they immediately walked to Xiao Biao and said, "Thank you, Master."

Lu Xiaoxiao jerked his lips while watching this scene. Isn't it impossible to do this now? How could Erbiao let Xie Min and the others do it.

"Xiao Biao, Dad made the meal, you come in for dinner."

Xiao Biao's eyes lit up when he heard the word eating, so he immediately ran towards the house.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Biao's back, and then said: "Xie Min, what do we eat?"

Xie Min heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words and replied: "You'll know in a while."

Lu Xiaoxiao suddenly had a very bad feeling when she heard Xie Min's answer. It shouldn't be the same as she thought.

Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the pot of things in front of her. She didn't expect that the face slap came so quickly. Their dinner turned out to be the leftovers of Er Biao and Xiao Biao.

"Hurry up and eat, and I will take you back to your room after eating." Er Biao left after speaking.

After Er Biao left, the three of Xie Min immediately gobbled up the leftovers and leftovers in the pot. Lu Xiaoxiao looked at them so inexplicably sad.

"Xiao Xiao, you should hurry to eat too. We have just one meal a day. If you don't eat it, you will be hungry." Xie Min reminded Lu Xiaoxiao who was sitting there in a daze.

"I'm not hungry, eat quickly."

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao refused to listen to her advice, Xie Min stomped her foot and went on to eat.

After Xie Min and the three people finished their meal, Er Biao walked over, and then he spoke to them: "When you are full, go to the room with me. Don't pay attention to what you hear at night, just sleep."

Lu Xiaoxiao and Xie Min nodded their heads when they heard what Er Biao said.

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