Chapter 364

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Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the monkey had given out all the powder, so he nodded towards Zhang Xu, and then retreated behind him.

When Zhang Xu saw the little girl nodding at him, he knew that she had finished what she was about to say, so he walked to the front and shouted to the hundred people in the audience: "Check the equipment."

"Check it out."

"Go." After Zhang Xu said this, he took Lu Xiaoxiao into a jeep and drove towards Zhangqi Mountain.

More than two hours later, the car stopped at the foot of Zhangqi Mountain, and Lu Xiaoxiao got out of the car behind Zhang Xu.

Lu Xiaoxiao got off the car and looked towards Zhangqi Mountain. She didn't recover until Zhang Xu called her, and then walked quickly towards Zhang Xu.

"What were you looking at there just now?" Zhang Xu asked, looking at Lu Xiaoxiao.

"I just think this mountain looks like a beast that can eat people at night, so I watched it a little longer."

Zhang Xu reached out to touch her head when she heard the little girl's words: "Even if it is a beast that can eat people, we will tame it tonight."

"I told you not to touch my head, otherwise the president will not grow tall." Lu Xiaoxiao said after removing Zhang Xu's hand from her head.

"I will pay attention later."

After hearing what Zhang Xu said, Lu Xiaoxiao always felt that what he said was strange, but he couldn't say anything strange.

"You go and talk to them about your plan now, and go up the mountain in ten minutes."


Ten minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu stood at the forefront of the team. This time their plan was to enter the mountain directly from the main road of Zhuangqi Mountain, because the small road was not suitable for multi-player coordinated operations.

Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao and the others came to the mountainside, which is a place full of barriers. After Lu Xiaoxiao asked everyone to eat the pills she had given, they continued to walk up the mountain.

When Lu Xiaoxiao and the others walked out of the barrier, they saw more than a dozen people standing not far in front. Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu looked at each other, and Zhang Xu whispered to the person behind him: "Level 1 alert. , Ready to fight at any time."

"I wonder why the little friend in front brought so many people to Zhangqi Mountain late at night?"

Lu Xiaoxiao originally thought that the opponent would directly start the war when they saw their arrival, but did not expect the other party to say such a word, she directly gave the opponent this wave of operations for a few seconds.

"I don't know why the senior came to this Zhangqi Mountain late at night?" Lu Xiaoxiao did not answer his question, but directly asked back.

The person who spoke just now heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words and laughed a few times before he said: "You little girl is so interesting. Not only did you not answer the question I asked you just now, you actually asked me instead. ."

"I am a good child who respects the elderly. Naturally, I have to let the older people answer first before I can answer."

"Hahaha... this little girl is too much to my appetite. Please remember not to hurt this little girl when you do it for a while. I will take her back to be an apprentice."

Lu Xiaoxiao curled his lips in disgust after hearing what he said, thinking that he still wanted to be her master, but there was no way.

"Old man, it's more serious now, you are all a lot of age, go home and go to sleep." Lu Xiaoxiao pretended not to hear what he said before, and said for their sake.

"Heh... we naturally understand that it is more serious now. If it weren't for you little mess, how could we suffer here most of the night, so let me solve you all, and then go back to sleep." Just now and Lu Xiaoxiao As soon as the speaker finished speaking, he attacked Lu Xiaoxiao and the others.

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