Chapter 220 Rescue (4)

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After hearing the little girl's words, Mei Hua turned her head and looked at the group of people she was talking about, and then got up and walked towards the group of people.

Liu Chengye saw that the girl kneeling down just now came towards him, and he knew what she was going to do, so he said loudly to the little girl: "My name is Liu Chengye, little girl. I saw you today with a very good way of saving people, so I will come to ask for advice "After speaking, he immediately ran away with the people behind him.

Seeing Liu Chengye's operation suddenly felt a little funny. He looked like a person in his thirties, and he didn't expect that he would jump like this.

Mei Hua saw the person who saved Ayu said a word and left. When she was about to catch up, her hand was caught.

"Big sister, you don't have to chase them. They will definitely receive your thanks. Now you should go home and change your clothes. Don't catch a cold."

Mei Hua looked down at the little girl, and then said: "My name is Liu Meihua, you can call me Sister Mei Hua, what is your name?"

"Sister Meihua, my name is Lu Xiaoxiao, you can call me Xiaoxiao."

"Xiao Xiao, Ms. Meihua will go home first today, and thank you for coming back another day."

Seeing Liu Meihua's departure, she thought she was a brave girl, and only hoped that Ayu would not let her down.

He turned his gaze back and looked at the talking group of people behind him, and walked towards the house after being silent for a while.

Not long after I got up the next morning, I heard someone knock on the door of the courtyard. When I opened the door and saw the captain, he invited people into the hall.

After pouring a glass of water and handing it to the captain, he said, "Uncle, is there anything you came to see today?"

The captain took a sip of the water and said, "Little girl, can you tell me about the rescue yesterday from beginning to end without fail?"

"of course can."

It took half an hour to finally talk about what happened yesterday from beginning to end. The captain was silent for a while after listening, and then he said: "Little girl, you did a lot of first aid to Liu Shuyu yesterday. Okay, but because the method of saving people was too horrifying, I was sued by someone who wanted to. Therefore, you may be asked to cooperate with them in the next few days."

After listening to the captain's words, I instantly felt a lot of helplessness in this era. It was obviously to save people and do good deeds, but it turned out to be fishy.

"Uncle, do you know who brought this matter up?"

"I don't know, I only received the notice from there this morning, saying that they will come to check this matter this afternoon, so that I can notify everyone related to the matter."

After listening to the captain's words, I went through all the people who were there yesterday. I really couldn't think of any one who simply didn't want to think about it. Anyway, I was not afraid of shadows.

"Uncle, is Liu Shuyu back?"

"I went back. Yesterday I went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said that because the first aid was given in time, there was nothing wrong. Just go home and rest for a few days."

"Uncle, what is the relationship between Liu Shuyu and Liu Meihua? Yesterday, I saw Liu Meihua rescuing Liu Shuyu as desperately. Are they talking about the object?"

The captain sighed deeply after hearing this, and then said: "Liu Shuyu is the son of the landlord's family. In the early years, Liu Meihua and her father saved Liu Shuyu's father's life, so the two families decided engagement.

However, after Liu Shuyu's family was convicted this year, Liu Meihua's family disagreed with Liu Meihua's marriage to Liu Shuyu, and even retired Liu Shuyu without telling him.

But Liu Meihua just didn't marry Liu Shuyu, and disturbed several marriages that her mother told her. These two children are also suffering. "

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